门凯月,女,2000年4月生于山东省德州市。2023年毕业于烟台大学“物联网工程”专业,获工学学士学位。现为山东大学“通信工程”专业硕士生, 研究兴趣为小目标检测、图像处理与计算机视觉。
[1] 2024-06~2025-06: 山东大学(威海)第19届大学生科研训练计划项目(SRTP)“基于上下文特征融合的遥感图像小目标检测算法研究”(No. A24339), 山东大学(威海), 0.35万元, 位次1/10. (指导教师: 王成优 副教授)
E-mail: menky#mail.sdu.edu.cn (发邮件时请将#改成@)
QQ: 1184054547
学者主页: https://www.scholat.com/menkaiyue
山东大学计算机视觉与无线通信研究组: https://www.scholat.com/team/image
山东大学智能信息与通信系统团队: https://www.scholat.com/team/iics
Kaiyue Men was born in Dezhou city, Shandong province, China, in 2000. She received the B.E. degree in Internet of things Engineering from Yantai University, China, in 2023. She is currently pursuing the M.E. degree in communication engineering with Shandong University, China. Her current research interests include small object detection, image processing, and computer vision.