副教授/Associate Professor
电催化 , 超级电容器 , 锌空电池
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(1)Zhuoxun Yin,a Shen Zhang,a Yujin Chen,*a Peng Gao,*b Chunling Zhu,bPiaoping Yang*b and Lihong Qia. Hierarchical nanosheet-based NiMoO4 nanotubes: synthesis and high supercapacitor performance. WOS:000346082100036(第一作者 Journal of Materials Chemistry A[IF=9.931 一区]2015, 3, 739–745)(超级电容器)被引用79次
(2)Zhuoxun Yin,a Yujin Chen,*a Yang Zhao,a Chunyan Li,*a Chunling Zhu*b and Xitian Zhangc. Hierarchical nanosheet-based CoMoO4–NiMoO4 nanotubes for applications in asymmetric supercapacitors and the oxygen evolution reaction. (第一作者 Journal of Materials Chemistry A[IF=9.931 一区] 2015, 3, 22750-22758)(超级电容器和析氧)被引用57次
(3)Zhuoxun Yin,a,c Chunling Zhu,*b Chunyan Li,a Shen Zhang,a Xitian Zhangc and Yujin Chen*a. Hierarchical nickel-cobalt phosphide yolk-shell spheres as highly active and stable bifunctional electrocatalysts for overall water splitting. WOS:000387859800037 (第一作者 Nanoscale[IF=7.23 一区] 2016, 8,19129-19138)(电化学析氢析氧)被引用53次
(4)Zhuoxun Yin,ac Yue Sun,a Chunling Zhu,*b Chunyan Li,a Xitian Zhang c and Yujin Chen*a. Bimetallic Ni–Mo nitride nanotubes as highly activeand stable bifunctional electrocatalysts for fullwater splitting. WOS:000404618200039 (第一作者 Journal of Materials Chemistry A [IF=9.931 一区] 2015, 3, 22750-22758)(析氢析氧)被引用46次
(5)Chunling Zhu, Zhuoxun Yin, Weihong Lai, Yue Sun, Lina Liu, Xitian Zhang, Yujin Chen,*and Shu-Lei Chou*. Fe-Ni-Mo Nitride Porous Nanotubes for Full Water Splitting and Zn-Air Batteries. WOS:000454397200002 (共同一作 Adv. Energy Mater. [IF=21.875 一区] 2018, 8, 1802327 )(析氢析氧)被引用5次