2Contact Me
I received the Ph.D. degree in communication and information system from Xidian Univeristy in 2020. I was a joint Ph.D. Student with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Utah State University, from 2018 to 2019. Since 2020, I joined the Department of Communication and Information Engineering in Xi' an University of Posts and Telecommunications, where I am an Associate Professor. My research interests include cognitive radio networks, mobile edge computing, and wireless energy harvesting. Until now, I has authored/co-authored more than thirty technical articles in the IEEE Transactions, Journals, Letters and Conferences. I am also a reviewer of multiple international Journals such as IEEE JSAC, IEEE TCOM, IEEE TWC, IEEE TVT and so on. I served as a TPC member of IEEE VTC-FALL 2019 and IEEE ICCT 2019/2020, and also received the Exemplary Reviewer Award from the IEEE Wireless Communications Letters in 2019.