ScalCom 2018 CFP
来源: 邓玉辉/

Nowadays, parallel architectures are ubiquitous and the arena of computing and communicating devices is quickly reaching an unprecedented scale. The trend is to keep increasing both the number of cores in a single device as well as the number of communicating devices. In this massively parallel and heterogeneous context, the need for scalable computing is everywhere and scalability is rapidly becoming a central aspect of computing. 

The 18th IEEE International Conference on Scalable Computing and Communications (ScalCom 2018) will provide a forum for researchers willing to present their original work on scalable parallel and distributed computing. ScalCom 2018 will offer a unique opportunity to exchange ideas at the highest technical level related to communication networks, performance analysis and distributed applications with particular emphasis on scalability. 

We invite submissions of high-quality research papers describing fully developed results or on-going foundational and applied work relating to all aspects of scalable computing and communications. The program committee will interpret it very broadly; everything from engineering principles to practical experiences on different levels of a parallel and distributed system including High Performance Computing (HPC), massively parallelsystems and heterogeneous computing. We particularly encourage submissions on topics of emerging interest in the research and development communities. 

The topics of the 18th IEEE International Conference on Scalable Computing and Communications include, but are not limited to:

  • Cloud and Fog Computing

    • X as a Service, where X includes backend, business process, database, infrastructure, network, platform, security, software, and storage

    • performance, dependability, and service level agreements

    • cloud programming models and tools

    • fog computing algorithms and infrastructures

  • Tools for Big Data

    • statistical data mining

    • extreme big data

    • Hadoop

    • convergence of IoT, cloud and big data

  • Extreme Scale, Multicore, GPU Accelerators and Novel Architectures for Scalability-Rethinking

    • parallel programming models and tools

    • GPU, MIC, and FPGA based parallel systems, heterogenous platforms

    • Extreme scale systems and applications

    • peta-scale and exa-scale workloads

    • high-performance and high-throughput computing

    • fault-tolerance in large scale applications

    • near-data processing and data-centric approaches

  • Modelling and Simulation of Large Complex Systems

    • cellular automata, genetic algorithms, neural networks, swarm Intelligence implementations

    • integrated approach to optimization and simulation

    • high-performance software developed to solve sciences (e.g., biological, physical, and social), engineering, medicine, and humanities problems

  • Mobile, Wireless and Pervasive Computing

    • queueing theory, design and performance analysis of communication networks

    • communication protocols of IoT

    • distributed applications with emphasis on scalability, distributed applications deployment

    • pervasive computing, distributed robotics

    • convergence of communication and computing

Important Dates

March 8, 2018

Workshop Proposal Due

April 8, 2018

Paper Submission Deadline

May 8, 2018

WiP Paper Submission Due

May 8, 2018

Poster/Demo Submission Due

June 25, 2018

Authors Notification Date

August 8, 2018

Camera-ready Deadline

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