
Special Issue on Embodiment in Computing Education Submission Date: 2024-09-30 Guest Editors:

• Craig Miller, DePaul University, craig.miller@depaul.edu

• Anthony Robins, The University of Otago, anthony.robins@otago.ac.nz

What is the role of embodiment in computing education? As generative artificial intelligence demonstrates the

power of disembodied systems, can we conclude that bodies don't matter for cognition? Several strands of

cognitive research have reached the opposite conclusion, that cognition can only take place in a body, anchored

to the external world by perception and the ability to act. Collectively these related themes have been described

as "second generation" cognitive science. This special issue explores computing education in the context of this

second generation framework. We invite submissions that explore the role of embodiment, perception and

action, tangible artefacts, physical activities, and related topics within our field. We also welcome contributions

that address the role of embodiment in social phenomena as it applies to computing education.


Example topics might include:

• Perception and action in interactive learning environments, including interactive visualization tools,

Parson’s problems, and AI-supported interfaces

• Interactive pedagogical devices such as tangible notional machines

• Use and limitations of mental models for second-generation cognitive science

• CS Unplugged activities

• Tangible programming in learning settings

• Theoretical contributions to embodiment in learning computing

• Perspectives on ability and disability as it relates to embodiment and learning computing

• Any additional topics on embodiment as it relates to computing education

Important Dates

• Extended abstract deadline: September 30, 2024

• Chosen authors invited to submit manuscript: October 31, 2024

• Invited manuscripts due: February 28, 2025

• Initial Opinion Pieces Due: March 31, 2025

• Reviews/decisions returned to authors: May 31, 2025

• Deadline for revision submissions and opinion pieces: July 31, 2025

• Notification of final decisions: August 30, 2025

• Tentative publication: September 30, 2025

Submission Information

For consideration to submit a full paper, prospective authors should submit an extended abstract (up to 1000

words) by September 30, 2024. Feedback will be provided to authors by October 31 regarding relevance of the

proposed paper with respect to the special issue. If invited, full paper submissions are due February 28, with

publication expected in late 2025. Submitting authors will be expected to review one to two other papers

submitted to the special issue. In the cover letter, please indicate that the paper is for the Special Issue on

Embodiment in Computing Education. More information on submission requirements to TOCE can be found

on https://dl.acm.org/journal/toce/author-guidelines. In addition to full papers, the guest editors plan to invite

opinion pieces for inclusion in the special issue.

For questions and further information, please contact Craig Miller (craig.miller@depaul.edu) and Anthony

Robins (anthony.robins@otago.ac.nz).

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