
Special Issue on Computation over Compressed Data Submission Date: 2024-10-31 The aim of the special issue is to attract strong contributions within the fields of compact and compressed data structures and compression-aware algorithms, recent research areas that merge techniques from algorithms, data structures, and information theory in order to tackle “data deluge” witnessed by research fields including, but not limited to, Bioinformatics (collections of genomes and short DNA sequences), Databases (space-efficient relational databases, geographic information systems, searchable graph databases), and versioned web repositories (Wikipedia, GitHub, etc). The relatively recent field of compressed data structures started about two decades ago with the advent of compressed indexes such as the FM-index and the Compressed Suffix Array: data structures supporting the same (or a subset of the) functionalities of well-established tools such as the suffix array and suffix tree, but using one order of magnitude less space. Such a feat was made possible by the natural interaction between compression and searching: a sorted dataset is, simultaneously, easier to search and to compress. A remarkable success of the field is represented by sequence alignment in Bioinformatics: modern DNA aligners such as Bowtie (>20K citations) or BWA (>33K citations) are based on the FM-index and, to date, are employed in virtually all Bioinformatics re-sequencing pipelines requiring the alignment of short DNA fragments on reference genomes.

Guest editors:

Assist. Prof. Giulio Ermanno Pibiri (Executive Guest Editor)Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Venezia, ItalyEmail: giulioermanno.pibiri@unive.it

Assoc. Prof. Nicola PrezzaCa' Foscari University of Venice, Venezia, ItalyEmail: nicola.prezza@unive.it

Assist. Prof. Dominik KempaStony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York, United States of AmericaEmail: kempa@cs.stonybrook.edu

Manuscript submission information:

Submission Open Date: July 1, 2024

Submission Deadline: October 31, 2024

Editorial Acceptance Deadline: October 31, 2025

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