
Special Issue on Next-Generation Web 3.0 for Digitalized Industrial Applications in the 5G/6G Era Submission Date: 2024-07-15 With the rapid development of 5G/6G communication networks, billions of IoT devices are being connected to the network, thus generating a large amount of data. The collection, processing, and analysis of this vast amount of data are essential to help people and enterprises gain valuable information, make sensible decisions, and improve people’s lives. However, the underlying communication networks also face many new challenges. Managing these large number of devices in a scalable and secure manner brings significant challenges to the infrastructure construction, maintenance, and management of the communication networks. Recurring data privacy breaches and the lack of control make Internet users and enterprises less willing to provide valuable data for processing and analysis.

In the context of the rapidly evolving 5G/6G era, the relevance of Web 3.0 to digital industrial applications is multifaceted and transformative. By emphasizing enhanced security and decentralized data management, Web 3.0 technologies offer robust solutions to safeguard sensitive industrial information and ensure resilient data infrastructure. These technologies enable streamlined supply chain and asset management through transparent and tamper-resistant data exchange, while the integration of smart contracts facilitates automated agreements, expediting operational efficiency. Furthermore, the implementation of self-sovereign identity systems empowers users to manage and authorize data access, ensuring heightened privacy compliance. The compatibility of Web 3.0 with advanced 5G/6G network capabilities enables seamless integration, promoting efficient communication, computation, and data processing within the industrial landscape. Overall, the integration of Web 3.0 technologies fosters a dynamic, secure, and interconnected industrial ecosystem poised for sustainable growth and innovation.

Authors are invited to submit high-quality papers containing original work from either academia or industry reporting novel advances in (but not limited to) the following topics on Web 3.0 for digitalized industrial applications in the 5G/6G era:

Guest Editors

Qingqi PeiXidian University, Chinaqqpei@mail.xidian.edu.cn

F. Richard YuCarleton University, Canadarichard.yu@carleton.ca

Kaou OtaMuroran Institute of Technology, Japan ota@csse.muroran-it.ac.jp

Mohammed AtiquzzamanUniversity of Oklahoma, USAatiq@ou.edu

Youshui LuXi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, Chinayolu6176@uni.sydney.edu.au

Important Dates

Submission portal opens: January 15, 2024

Deadline for paper submission: July 15, 2024

Latest acceptance deadline for all papers: November 15, 2024

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