
Special Issue on Novel Application of Quantum Structures Across Disciplinary Boundaries Submission Date: 2024-12-31 Guest editors:

Prof. Diederik Aerts, PhD

Center Leo Apostel for Interdisciplinary Studies (CLEA, Free University of Brussels, Belgium)Areas of Expertise: Quantum theory, cognition, information science, philosophy of science

Prof. Emmanuel Haven, PhD

Faculty of Business Administration and Centre CQSCS, Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN), Saint John’s (Canada)Areas of Expertise: Quantum formalisms in social science, information modelling in economics

Prof. Sonja Smets, PhD

University of Amsterdam and Centre ILLC (The Netherlands)Areas of Expertise: Logical Foundations of quantum mechanics, (non classical) Logic and Espistemology

Prof. Sandro Sozzo, PhD

Department of Humanities and Cultural Heritage (DIUM) and Centre CQSCS, University of Udine, (Italy)Areas of Expertise: quantum mechanics, cognitive modelling, information retrieval

Special issue information:

A growing body of theoretical and empirical research reveals that quantum structures, as contextuality, emergence, entanglement, indistinguishability, interference, and superposition, also manifest themselves in other domains than micro-physics, which include, in particular, cognition (human probability and similarity judgements, decision-making, language and perception), socio-economic domains (behavioural economics and finance) and information systems (computer science and artificial intelligence), in situations where empirical data differs from the predictions of classical (Boolean) logical and (Kolmogorovian) probabilistic structures. In this special issue, we intend to deepen and extend the state-of-the-art of the discipline, focusing on the identification of quantum structures in computing and information science, in particular, information retrieval, natural language processing and computational linguistics, with relevant applications to artificial intelligence. The special issue is, in content, suitable for theoretical computer scientists, but also for applied physicists, mathematicians and philosophers of computation. It also perfectly fits the scopes of the TCS journal.”

Manuscript submission information:

Authors should submit their manuscripts to the Theoretical Computer Science Editorial System (EM) at https://www.editorialmanager.com/tcs/default2.aspx , and select "VSI: Quantum Across Boundaries” when they reach the “Article Type” step in the submission process.

General information for submitting papers to TCS can be found at https://www.elsevier.com/journals/theoretical-computer-science/0304-3975/guide-for-authors .

Submission deadline: 31st December 2024

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