一篇论文被IEEE Network录用
来源: 刘野/

 Internet of Things for Noise Mapping in Smart Cities: State-of-the-Art and Future Directions

Abstract:Noise pollution has been an issue since ancient times. Recently, this problem has been exacerbat­ed due to rapid population growth and urbaniza­tion. Noise mapping is a strategic action plan that visualizes the long-term and real-time noise pollu­tion of our cities, industrial sites, and other regions of interest. This article first discusses the working principle of general model-based noise mapping and the lessons learned. Then, in-depth descrip­tions of the technical challenges and design issues of noise mapping using mobile crowdsensing and acoustic sensor networks are presented. Finally, we provide our insights for future research direc­tions regarding artificial intelligence assisted noise prediction, constructive interference for multime­dia transmission, and simultaneous noise sensing and sound energy harvesting as well as inaudible sound attacks and defense.

Link: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9108997

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