
        2019年12月16日,墨尔本大学计算与信息系统学院张瑞教授访问社交网络数据智能实验室,做题目位为"AI technologies for building intelligent chatbots and knowledge bases"的学术报告,蒋运承教授作为主持人向大家介绍了张瑞教授的基本信息及研究方向。张瑞教授从人工智能音箱作为例子,引出此次报告的主题,详细阐述了知识图谱在构建、融合、具体应用等方面的研究工作,同时介绍了所在实验室在知识图谱应用于智能地图导航应用方面的研究。随后,与实验室汤庸教授、博士生袁成哲、汤志康、常超、陈万德等进行了交流,进一步探讨了大数据、知识图谱的合作研究课题。

图1 张瑞教授访问合影

图2 张瑞教授报告

图3 进一步交流探讨

报告摘要:Intelligent virtual assistants (or chatbots) such as Amazon Alexa and Google Homes are getting great success. These kind of dialogue based human-computer interface systems will grow more prevalent due to their more natural and convenient interaction with users. In this talk, I will give an overview of how chatbots work and how they can have dialogues with humans intelligently making use of knowledge bases. I will also discuss recent advances in AI technologies for building intelligent chatbots and knowledge bases. 

报告人简介:Dr Rui Zhang is a Professor and leader of the Big Data and Knowledge Research Theme at the School of Computing and Information Systems of the University of Melbourne. He is an internationally leading researcher in the area of AI (machine learning), big data and data mining. Professor Zhang has won several awards including the prestigious Future Fellowship by the Australian Research Council in 2012, Chris Wallace Award for Outstanding Research by the Computing Research and Education Association of Australasia (CORE) in 2015, and Google Faculty Research Award in 2017. His inventions have been adopted by major IT companies such as AT&T and Microsoft. He proposed a novel technique for computing primitive statistics efficiently on extremely fast TCP/IP packet streams, which is used in many backbone servers of AT&T. He developed a temporal index called version compressed TSB-tree, which has been implemented in Microsoft’s flagship database product, Microsoft SQL Server. Dr Rui Zhang obtained his Bachelor's degree from Tsinghua University in 2001, PhD from National University of Singapore in 2006, and has then started as a faculty member in The University of Melbourne since 2007. Before joining the University of Melbourne, he has been a visiting research scient.

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