来源: 舒磊/


Title: Smart Grid Communications: Challenges and Solutions

主讲:张彦 副教授




abstractSmart grid communications is an emerging communication paradigm that are utilized to closely monitor and efficiently support smart grid operations. This talk mainly includes three parts. In the first part, we introduce the smart grid scenarios, key concepts, and communication architectures. In the second part, we will present demand response management framework and its influence on communications solutions. In the third part, we will discuss possible industry applications and fault-tolerance, security aspects.







张彦,博士,副教授,IEEE会员,IEEE ComSoc会员,ACM会员,ACM SIGMOBILE会员。于新加坡南洋理工大学取得电子与电气工程专业博士学位,现为挪威仿真研究实验室主任,挪威奥斯陆大学副教授。

张彦教授研究方向包括:认知无线电无线通信与网络,无线Ad Hoc,网状网络,传感器,物联网,社交网络,智能电网通信和网络等。至今为止,在IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in CommunicationsIEEE Wireless CommunicationsIEEE Transactions on Communications,等国际期刊及重要学术会议上发表论文180余篇。同时担任多个IEEE主要学会主席及成员,包括:IEEE Communications SocietyIEEE Communications Society Technical Committee on Green Communications & Computing等。张彦教授现为《无线网络与移动通信》系列丛书主编,同时在Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer ApplicationsJNCA),Inderscience International Journal of Sensor Networks (IJSNet)IEEE Communications MagazineIEEE Internet of Things Journal等多个国际杂志中担任编委。

张彦教授还在International Conference on Ad-Hoc Networks and Wireless (ADHOCNOW 2016)1st International Conference on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems (INISCom 2015)9th International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (CHINACOM 2014)等多个国际重要会议中担任组织委员会主席及副主席,为多个国际会议TPC成员并在其相关领域的研究中获得多个国际奖项,如:WPMC'2014最佳论文奖,IWCMC 2014最佳论文奖,挪威仿真实验室科研奖等。目前,张彦教授已成功完成多个挪威与欧盟合作项目。



Title: The Role of Advanced Sensing in Smart Cities

主讲:Gerhard P. Hancke教授




Abstract: In a world where resources are scarce and urban areas consume the vast majority of these resources, it is vital to make cities greener and more sustainable. Advanced systems to improve and automate processes within a city will play a leading role in smart cities. From smart design of buildings, which capture rain water for later use, to intelligent control systems, which can monitor infrastructures autonomously, the possible improvements enabled by sensing technologies are immense. Ubiquitous sensing poses numerous challenges, which are of a technological or social nature. This paper presents an overview of the state of the art with regards to sensing in smart cities. Topics include sensing applications in smart cities, sensing platforms and technical challenges associated with these technologies. In an effort to provide a holistic view of how sensing technologies play a role in smart cities, a range of applications and technical challenges associated with these applications are discussed. As some of these applications and technologies belong to different disciplines, the material presented in this paper attempts to bridge these to provide a broad overview, which can be of help to researchers and developers in understanding how advanced sensing can play a role in smart cities.



Gerhard P. Hancke教授简介:

Gerhard P. Hancke教授于南非斯坦林布什大学获得学士及研究生硕士学位,1983年,于南非比勒陀利亚大学年获得博士研究生学位。目前担任比勒陀利亚大学电气、电子和计算机工程教授,计算机工程项目的协调员以及先进传感器网络研究小组负责人。其研究领域主要为先进分布式传感器和制动器网络,以工业应用方面为主。

Gerhard P. Hancke教授曾任现IEEE工业电子协会秘书,现为该协会高级管委会成员,组织了多个重要国际会议,并担任多个国际学术杂志特约编辑,包括:IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics以及IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics等。另外,Gerhard P. Hancke教授参与多个国际合作研究项目,并发表200多篇期刊及会议论文。



Title: Ad-Hoc Security for Smart Things

主讲:Gerhard Hancke博士




 Abstract:We are increasingly surrounded by simple (and not so simple) devices with computational and communication capability, which assist us in everyday tasks and together comprise the idea of an Internet-of-Things. Some devices are used in security sensitive or critical applications, such as industrial sensor networks, and the security capabilities in such systems are rightly attracting growing interest. To perform their duties the devices are often required to set up ad-hoc connections to interact, and this is could often be with another device or a system where no prior trust relationship exists between the parties. Establishing a secure connection between two devices in such an unstructured environment presents some interesting research problems. Unfortunately, not all these problems can be solved with conventional cryptographic mechanisms alone, and we need to look at alternative ways to reinforce existing security mechanisms. Incorporating the physical context of a device, i.e. physical characteristics of the device, the communication channel or the surroundings, into security protocols is seen as a possible solution. This talk gives an overview of using physical context to build, or improve, security services.




Gerhard Hancke 博士简介:

Gerhard Hancke博士现为香港城市大学计算机科学学院助理教授。2002年和2003年,分别于南非比勒陀利亚大学获得工学学士及硕士研究生学位,2008年,于英国剑桥大学计算机实验室取得计算机科学博士研究生学位。随后,在伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院,信息安全小组(ISG)的ISG智能卡中心工作,在其中担任研究员及工程师,主要工作是对智能卡与RFID系统进行评估、发展与结合。同时,Gerhard Hancke博士还在南非科学与工业研究委员会的先进传感网络小组中任职,并在比勒陀利亚大学及约翰内斯堡大学均有客座聘书。其研究领域包括:系统安全、信息物理/普适系统以及智能传感应用


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