Lesson 16----NLTK POS 标注
来源: 陈仕鸿/
一、NLTK进行分词 用到的函数: nltk.sent_tokenize(text)       #对文本按照句子进行分割 nltk.word_tokenize(sent)       #对句子进行分词 二、NLTK进行词性标注 Universal Part-of-Speech Tagset 示例: 分词:    “我/  把/  书/  放/  在/  冰箱/  上/”             => 词性标注后:“我/n 把/v 书/n 放/v 在/v 冰箱/n 上/f” 缩写    英文    中文    说明     CC    Coordinating    conjunction    并列连接词     CD    Cardinal    number    基数     DT    Determiner    限定词     EX    Existential    there    存在型there     FW    Foreign    word    外文单词     IN    Preposition/subord,    conjunction    介词/从属,连接词     JJ    Adjective    形容词     JJR    Adjective,    comparative    形容词,比较级     JJS    Adjective,    superlative    形容词,最高级     LS    List    item    marker     MD    Modal    情态动词     NN    Noun    ,singular    or     NNS    Noun,    plural    名词,复数     NNP    Proper    noun,    singular     NNPS    Proper    noun,    plural     PDT    Pre determiner    前位限定词     POS    Possessive    ending    所有格结束词     PRP    Personal    pronoun    人称代名词     PP$    Possessive    pronoun    物主代词,所有格代名词     RB    Adverb    副词     RBR    Adverb,    comparative    副词,比较级     RBS    Adverb,    superlative    副词,最高级     RP    Particle    小品词     SYM    Symbol(mathematical    or    scientific)     TO    to    To     UH    Interjection    感叹词     VB    Verb,    base    form     ------------------------- 单独为特定的单词标注: tagged_token = nltk.tag.str2tuple('fly/NN')     print(tagged_token)    练习1:给can标注为名词。 ------------------------------------------------------------ Using a Tagger   使用词性标注器 A part-of-speech tagger, or POS tagger nltk.pos_tag(tokens)     #tokens是句子分词后的结果,同样是句子级的标注 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 例1: sent = "And now for something completely different" words = nltk.word_tokenize(sent) sent_tag = nltk.pos_tag(words) print(sent_tag)   [('And', 'CC'), ('now', 'RB'), ('for', 'IN'), ('something', 'NN'),   ('completely', 'RB'), ('different', 'JJ')]    练习2:随便写几句介绍你自己的句子(英文),然后标注这些单词。 Tagged Corpora 标注语料库http://www.cnblogs.com/yuxc/archive/2011/08/26/2155157.html
----------------------------------------------------------- 标注的简单运用:统计分析 1. 统计分析新闻文档中,什么类型的词用得最多 from nltk.corpus import brown brown_news_tagged = brown.tagged_words(categories='news', tagset='universal') tag_fd = nltk.FreqDist(tag for (word, tag) in brown_news_tagged) tag_fd.most_common()     2. 找出最频繁的名词标记 import nltk def findtags(tag_prefix, tagged_text):     cfd = nltk.ConditionalFreqDist((tag, word) for (word, tag) in tagged_text if tag.startswith(tag_prefix))          return dict((tag, cfd[tag].most_common(5)) for tag in cfd.conditions())     tagdict = findtags('NN', nltk.corpus.brown.tagged_words(categories='news')) for tag in sorted(tagdict):     print(tag, tagdict[tag])           三、Information Extraction 信息抽取 -------------------------------- OrgName    LocationName Omnicom    New York     DDB Needham    New York     Kaplan Thaler Group    New York     BBDO South    Atlanta     Georgia-Pacific    Atlanta ---------------------------------------- Companies that operate in Atlanta OrgName BBDO South     Georgia-Pacific



The fourth Wells account moving to another agency is the packaged paper-products division of Georgia-Pacific Corp., which arrived at Wells only last fall. Like Hertz and the History Channel, it is also leaving for an Omnicom-owned agency, the BBDO South unit of BBDO Worldwide. BBDO South in Atlanta, which handles corporate advertising for Georgia-Pacific, will assume additional duties for brands like Angel Soft toilet tissue and Sparkle paper towels, said Ken Haldin, a spokesman for Georgia-Pacific in Atlanta.

 Information Extraction Architecture信息抽取过程示意图

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