Special Track on Forecasting Services and Technologies for e-Business |
Forecasting Services and Technologies are necessary in the modern world with the volume of data is increasing rapidly. It is easy to see data has amount of business values and can play important roles in many critical areas such as e-Business, big data processing and analytics, education, finance and online gambling. Therefore, it requires emerging algorithms and applications to analyze data and provide forecasting services. This kind of technologies has attracted a lot of attends in both academic field and industry field. This track on aims to solve challenge problem and contribute to Forecasting Services and Technologies for e-Business and related areas. Topics include, but not limited to: We invite high quality papers using the IEEE Computer Society proceedings format (two column, 10 point, single-spaced, US Letter, no mar.gin smaller than one inch; see We seek both full and short papers, with page limits of 8 pages and 4 pages, respectively. All papers will be reviewed by at least 3 technical committee members. Accepted papers will be published by IEEE. Submission link: Track Co-Chairs
Program Committee |