焦述铭 Jiao Shuming


大湾区大学 信息科学技术学院

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现为大湾区大学研究员,从香港城市大学获得电子及通讯工程学学士和电子工程博士学位,主要从事光学和计算机算法的交叉领域研究,包括光学计算,单像素成像,全息三维显示等。曾入选2012年香港特区政府Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme,2016年广东省“珠江人才计划”海外青年引进计划(博士后资助项目)和深圳市高层次人才计划(后备级)。在Optics Letters, Optics Express, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Engineering等国际知名期刊上以第一或通讯作者发表论文30余篇,入选2023年全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单(World's Top 2% Scientists 2023),Google Scholar论文被引用超过1700次。2018年5月在中国光学工程学会举办的第二届国际三维图像获取与显示技术应用研讨会上获得优秀论文奖。2020年10月在国际信息显示学会(SID)举办的2020年国际显示技术大会(ICDT 2020)上获得优秀论文奖。2023年4月获得深圳市计算机学会优秀教育工作者奖。2023年6月在第五届光子学与光学工程国际会议(暨第十四届西部光子学学术会议)上获得最佳海报论文奖。2018年5月至7月曾作为博士后访问学者短期访问美国斯坦福大学。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目“单像素成像中目标物体快速分类方法(61805145)”。


担任Optics Letters, Optics Express, Photonics Research, Optica, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, ACM Transactions on Graphics, ICCV, CVPR, ECCV, AAAI, ISMAR等国内外重要期刊及会议的审稿人,获评为2024年美国光学学会(Optica)优秀审稿人。担任《应用光学》期刊编委,《液晶与显示》期刊青年编委,被评选为中国激光杂志社优秀审稿人和《应用光学》优秀审稿专家,担任深圳市计算机学会光载信息专业委员会秘书长,中国光学学会全息与光信息处理专业委员会委员,中国图像图形学学会三维成像与显示专业委员会委员,中国图像图形学学会三维视觉专业委员会委员,中国图象图形学学会数字媒体取证与安全专业委员会委员,深圳市科创委评审专家,深圳市工业和信息化局评审专家。




Dr. Shuming Jiao is currently a researcher in Great Bay University, Dongguan, Guangdong, China. He received his PhD degree in electronic engineering from City University of Hong Kong in 2016. He has been actively engaged in the interdisciplinary investigation between information engineering and optical engineering. His research interest includes holographic three-dimensional imaging and display, single-pixel compressive imaging, optical information processing, optical computing, image processing, information security and machine leaning. He received Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (2012) and Postdoctoral Fellowship, Pearl River Talent Plan of Guangdong Province (2016). He has published more than 20 papers as the first author or corresponding author in peer-reviewed journals such as Optics Letters, Optics Express, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics and Engineering. He received Best Paper Award in International Conference on Three-dimensional Image Acquisition and Display Technology and Application 2018 (3DIADT 2018) organized by Chinese Society for Optical Engineering. He received Distinguished Paper Award in International Conference on Display Technology 2020 (ICDT 2020) organized by Society for Information Display. He is a reviewer for many international journals and conferences including Optics Letters, Optics Express, Photonics Research, Optica, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) and The IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR). He is the principal investigator for the research project “Fast target object classification methods in single pixel imaging”(National Natural Science Foundation of China, 61805145).




电子邮件 E-mail: jiaoshuming@gbu.edu.cn

电子邮件 E-mail: albertjiaoee'at'gmail.com

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Optics Letters, Optics Express, Optica, Photonics Research, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Opto-Electronic Advances, APL Photonics, Light: Advanced Manufacturing, Artificial Intelligence Review, CAAI Artificial Intelligence Research, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, IEEE Sensors Journal, Applied Physics Letters, Applied Optics, JOSA A, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Optics & Laser Technology, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Sensors, IEEE Access, IEEE Photonics Journal, Laser Physics Letters, Sensors, PeerJ Computer Science, Optics Communications, Chinese Optics Letters, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Optical Engineering, Applied Physics B, Journal of Modern Optics, Frontiers in Photonics, OSA Continuum, Journal of Information Security and Applications, Cryptography, Photonics, Electronics, ICT Express, 光学学报,激光与光电子学进展,中国激光,光学技术, 应用光学, 液晶与显示,红外与激光工程, IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), The IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), Optoelectronics Global Conference (OGC), International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE) and IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN)




1. Wei Huang, Jiaxiang Li, Shuming Jiao* and Zibang Zhang, "Solving combinational optimization problems with evolutionary single-pixel imaging," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 29.6, 7700506 (2023 May 2)

2. Shuming Jiao, Ziwei Song and Shuiying Xiang, "Adversarial attacks on an optical neural network," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 29.2, 7700306 (2022 Sep 15)

3. Shuming Jiao, Junwei Liu, Liwen Zhang, Feihong Yu, Guomeng Zuo, Jingming Zhang, Fang Zhao, Weihao Lin, Liyang Shao, "All-optical logic gate computing for high-speed parallel information processing," Opto-Electronic Science 1.9, 220010 (2022 Sep 7).

4. Shuming Jiao, Jun Feng, Liwen Zhang, Daixuan Wu and Yuecheng Shen, "Optical logic gate operations with single-pixel imaging," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 29.2, 7700208 (2022 Aug 22)

5. Jiaqi Zhang, Zhiyuan Ye, Jianhua Yin, Liying Lang*, and Shuming Jiao*, "Polarized deep diffractive neural network for sorting, generation, multiplexing, and de-multiplexing of orbital angular momentum modes," Optics Express 30.15, 26728-26741 (2022 July 18)

6. Shuming Jiao and Jun Feng, "Image steganography with visual illusion", Optics Express 29.10, 14282-14292 (2021 May 10) 

7. Xin Yang, Shuming Jiao*, Qiang Song, Guo-Bin Ma, and Weiwei Cai, "Phase-only color rainbow holographic near-eye display", Optics Letters 46.21, 5445-5448 (2021 Oct 28, *Corresponding Author)

8. Jiamin Wu, Xing Lin, Yuchen Guo, Junwei Liu, Lu Fang*, Shuming Jiao*, Qionghai Dai*, "Analog optical computing for artificial intelligence", Engineering 10, 133-145 (2022 March/2021 August 21, *Corresponding Author)

9. Jun Feng, Wei Huang, Shuming Jiao*, and Xiaopeng Wang, "Generalized forgery attack to optical encryption systems," Opt. Express 29(26), 43580-43597 (2021 December 15, *Corresponding Author)

10. Shuming Jiao, Yang Gao, Jun Feng, Ting Lei, and Xiaocong Yuan, "Does deep learning always outperform simple linear regression in optical imaging?," Optics Express 28.3, 3717-3731 (2020 Jan 27) 

11. Shuming Jiao, Jun Feng, Yang Gao, Ting Lei, and Xiaocong Yuan, "Visual cryptography in single-pixel imaging", Optics Express 28.5, 7301-7313 (2020 Feb 26) 

12. Shuming Jiao, Yang Gao, Ting Lei, and Xiaocong Yuan, "Known-plaintext attack to optical encryption systems with space and polarization encoding", Optics Express 28.6, 8085-8097 (2020 Mar 4) 

13. Shuming Jiao, Jun Feng, Yang Gao, Ting Lei, Zhenwei Xie, and Xiaocong Yuan, "Optical machine learning with incoherent light and a single-pixel detector," Optics Letters 44.21, 5186-5189 (2019 Oct 17) 

14. Shuming Jiao, Mingjie Sun, Yang Gao, Ting Lei, Zhenwei Xie, and Xiaocong Yuan, “Motion estimation and quality enhancement for a single image in dynamic single-pixel imaging,” Optics Express, 27.9, pp. 12841-12854. (2019 April 29) 

15. Shuming Jiao, and Wenbin Zou, "High-resolution parallel phase-shifting digital holography using a low-resolution phase-shifting array device based on image inpainting," Optics Letters, 42.3, pp. 482-485. (2017 Jan 24) 

16. Shuming Jiao, Zhaoyong Zhuang, and Wenbin Zou, "Fast computer generated hologram calculation with a mini look-up table incorporated with radial symmetric interpolation," Optics Express, 25.1, pp. 112-123. (2017 Jan 9) 

17. Shuming Jiao, P. W. M. Tsang, T. C. Poon, J. P. Liu, W. Zou, and X. Li, "Enhanced Autofocusing in Optical Scanning Holography Based on Hologram Decomposition", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 13.5, pp. 2455-2463. (2017 May 26) 

18. A. S. M. Jiao, P. W. M. Tsang and T-C. Poon, "Restoration of digital off-axis Fresnel hologram by exemplar and search based image inpainting with enhanced computing speed," Computer Physics Communications, 193, pp. 30-37. (2015 April 6) 

19. Shuming Jiao#, Dongfang Zhang#, Chonglei Zhang, Yang Gao, Ting Lei, and Xiaocong Yuan, "Complex-amplitude holographic projection with a digital micromirror device (DMD) and error diffusion algorithm", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 26.5, pp. 2800108 (2020 May 29, #: equal contribution) 

20. Zibang Zhang#, Shuming Jiao#, Manhong Yao, Xiang Li, and Jingang Zhong, “Secured single-pixel broadcast imaging,” Optics Express, 26.11, pp. 14578-14591. (2018 May 28, #: equal contribution) 

21. Shuming Jiao#, Dongfang Zhang#, Chonglei Zhang, Yang Gao, Ting Lei, and Xiaocong Yuan, "Data hiding in complex-amplitude modulation using a digital micromirror device", Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 138, pp. 106455 (2021 March 1, #: equal contribution) 

22. Shuming Jiao, Changyuan Zhou, Yishi Shi, Wenbin Zou, and Xia Li, "Review on Optical Image Hiding and Watermarking Techniques." Optics & Laser Technology, 109, pp. 370-380. (2019 Jan 1) 

23. Shuming Jiao#, Ting Lei#, Yang Gao, Zhenwei Xie, and Xiaocong Yuan, “Known-plaintext attack and ciphertext-only attack for encrypted single-pixel imaging,” IEEE Access, 7, pp. 119557-119565. (2019 August 19, #: equal contribution) 

24. Shuming Jiao#, Zhi Jin#, Chenliang Chang, Changyuan Zhou, Wenbin Zou, and Xia Li, “Compression of phase-only holograms with JPEG standard and deep learning,” Applied Sciences, 8, pp. 1258. (2018 July 30, #: equal contribution) 

25. Shuming Jiao, Guowei Li, Changyuan Zhou, Wenbin Zou, and Xia Li, “Special ciphertext only attack to double random phase encryption by plaintext shifting with speckle correlation,” JOSA A, 35.1, pp. A1-A6. (2018 Jan 1) 

26. Shuming Jiao, Zhi Jin, Changyuan Zhou, Wenbin Zou, and Xia Li, “Is QR code an optimal choice of data container in optical encryption from error correction coding perspective?” JOSA A, 35.1, pp. A23-A29. (2018 Jan 1) 

27. A. S. M. Jiao, P. W. M. Tsang, T. C. Poon, J. P. Liu, C. C. Lee and Y.K. Lam, "Automatic decomposition of a complex hologram based on the virtual diffraction plane framework,” Journal of Optics, 16.7, pp. 075401. (2014 June 10) 

28. Shuming Jiao, Wenbin Zou, and Xia Li, "QR code based noise-free optical encryption and decryption of a gray scale image," Optics Communications, 387, pp. 235-240. (2016 Nov 23) 

29. Shuming Jiao, Changyuan Zhou, Wenbin Zou, and Xia Li, "Shift, rotation and scale invariant optical information authentication with binary digital holography", Optics Communications, 405, pp. 53-59. (2017 Dec 15) 

30. Shuming Jiao, Zhaoyong Zhuang, Changyuan Zhou, Wenbin Zou, and Xia Li, “Security enhancement of double random phase encryption with a hidden key against ciphertext only attack,” Optics Communications, 418, pp. 106–114. (2018 Feb 26) 

31. Yang Gao#, Shuming Jiao#, Juncheng Fang, Ting Lei, Zhenwei Xie, Xiaocong Yuan, “Multiple-image encryption and hiding with an optical diffractive neural network,” Optics Communications, 463, pp. 125476. (2020 May 15, #: equal contribution) 

32. Jun Feng, Shuming Jiao*, Yang Gao, Ting Lei and Luping Du, "Design of Optimal Illumination Patterns in Single-Pixel Imaging Using Image Dictionaries," IEEE Photonics Journal, 12.4, pp. 1-9, (2020 Aug, *Corresponding Author) 

33. Gao Yang, Shuming Jiao*, Jung-Ping Liu, Ting Lei, and Xiaocong Yuan, "Error diffusion method with optimized weighting coefficients for binary hologram generation," Applied Optics 58.20, pp. 5547-5555 (2019 July, *Corresponding Author) 

34. Alan Yilun Yuan#, Jun Feng#, Shuming Jiao*, Yang Gao, Zibang Zhang, Zhenwei Xie, and Luping Du, and Ting Lei, “Adaptive and dynamic ordering of illumination patterns with an image dictionary in single-pixel imaging,” Optics Communications 481, pp. 126527. (2021 Feb 15, *Corresponding Author) 


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