Senior member of China Computer Society(NO.E20-0007046S)
2017年the University of Texas访问学者
2015-01~now 嘉应学院计算机学院,教授
2008-12~2014-12 嘉应学院计算机学院,副教授
2004-11~2008-12 嘉应学院计算机科学与技术系,讲师
1998-07~2004-10 嘉应学院计算机科学系,助教
2012.12 梅州市人民政府优秀自然科学论文三等奖
2011.12 广东省高等教育组教学工具类软件优秀奖
2011.12 广东省首届机器人大赛指导学生获三等奖
2011.12 2009-2011年度嘉应学院科研先进个人
2011.11 第十五届全国多媒体教育软件大奖赛全国比赛三等奖
2011.06 主编教材《网页设计技术教程》获优秀教材二等奖
2010.12 广东省高等教育组多媒体课件比赛高等教育组多媒体课件“两项优秀奖”
2010.05 广东省高等学校第六批“千百十工程”校级培养对象
2009.12 广东省高等教育组多媒体课件比赛高等教育组多媒体课件“两项”优秀奖
2008.10 2004年和2008年在嘉应学院年度考核“优秀”等次
2008.07 嘉应学院“新世纪教育教学改革工程”教改项目成果获学校教学成果“三等奖”
2007.09 被评为“嘉应学院第二届优秀教师”
2006.12 广东省高等教育组多媒体课件优秀奖
2005.12 广东省计算机教育软件评审活动中获高等教育组“网络课程优秀奖”
2005.11 梅州市第八届优秀学术论文入选奖
2005.11 指导学生参加第十五届广东省高校杯软件设计竞赛优秀演示奖
2005.08 指导嘉应学院首届学生学术基金项目获优秀奖
2005.07 指导学生参加广东省第八届挑战杯课外作品竞赛三等奖
2005.06 被评为“嘉应学院第一届优秀教育工作者”
Reviewer of International Conference on Information, Networking and Automation(2010)
Reviewer of International Conference on Materials Science and Information Technology(2011)
2012,Software Project Management
2011,Introduction of E-Commerce
2010,Web Design and Implementation
2009,Introduction of Software Engineering
信息物理融合 , 物联网 , 智能软件
Wei Qiu got his M.S. degree in Software Engineering from Guangdong University of Technology of China in 2004.He is now a Professor of the School of Computer Science at Jiaying University(JYU). His current interests include data engineering, cooperative computing, social network services and big data applications, mobile computing, software engineering, E-commerce.
He has published more than 50 papers and books.As a director he has had more than 40 Undergraduate Graduation Thesis since 2005.
He is a Director of the network education branch of the China Institute of Higher Education in 2010,He is a reviewer of the International Conference on Information, Networking and Automation in 2010,and International Conference on Materials Science and Information Technology,2011.
2011.9-2012.7 Visiting scholar at South China University of Technology, Advisor: Prof. Hua-qing Min
2001.9-2004.06,M.Sc. in Software Engineering, Guangdong University of Technology. Advisor: Prof. Li-chen Zhang.
1994.9-1998.6,B.S. in Computer Science Education, South China Normal University.
Work Experience
2015-01~Now Professor with School of Computer Science, Jiaying University.
2008-12~2014-12 Assistant professor with School of Computer Science, Jiaying University.
2012-12, Meizhou City People's Government of Outstanding Natural Science Papers, Third prize .
2011-11,15th National Grand Prix of multimedia educational software Third prize.