
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA, 2011 (Advisors: Azmy S. Ackleh and Keng Deng)

Dissertation: Deterministic and stochastic structured population models with application to green tree frogs

Work experience

Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Alberta, Canada, 2011-2016 (Supervisors: Mark Lewis and Hao Wang)

Professor in Applied Mathematics, Southwest University, China, since 2016

Research Interests

Mathematical Biology

Partial Differential Equations

Numerical Analysis

Research ID
Editorial Board
Research Grants

(1) Principal Investigator, National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 12271445), Study on population dynamics in patchy and dendritic river ecosystems,  January 1, 2023 -- December 31, 2026, CNY 0.45 million.

(2) Principal Investigator, National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.11871060), The impact of contaminants on river ecosystems,  January 1, 2019 -- December 31, 2022, CNY 0.5 million.

(3) Principal Investigator, Venture and Innovation Support Program for Chongqing Overseas Returnees ( No. 7820100158),  2018-2020, CNY 0.12 million.

(4) Principal Investigator, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No. XDJK2018B031),  2017-2019, CNY 0.2 million.

(5) Principal Investigator, Faculty startup fund  from Southwest University (No. 20710948) , 2016-2019, CNY 0.3 million.

Graduate Students Mentored

Current group members:

Tingting Wen (温停停 PhD) since 2024

Minglong Wang (王明龙 PhD) since 2022 

Xiumei Deng (邓秀梅 PhD) since 2021

Yingting Li (李映婷MSc) since 2024, Xi Xu (徐茜MSc) since 2024, Weijie Tong (童伟杰MSc) since 2024, Xi Chen (陈茜MSc) since 2024, Bingqian Wu (武冰倩MSc) since 2024

Ziqing Zhao(赵子清 MSc) since 2023,  Yanqing Hu(胡衍晴 MSc) since 2023,  Shujing Miao(苗舒景 Msc) since 2023

Jie Ou (欧杰 MSc) since 2022,  Feng Wang (王峰 MSc) since 2022

Former group members:

Zhuxin Ni (倪竹欣 MSc) 2021-2024,  Ying Li (黎莹 MSc) 2021-2024,  Qiuyan Long (龙秋燕 MSc)  2021-2024,  Yuxin Liu (刘宇星 MSc)  2021-2024

Shulei Yan (严书蕾 MSc) 2021-2023,   Peng Zeng (曾鹏 MSc) 2021-2023   

Tian Yin (尹甜 MSc)  2020-2023,   Fengsi Yu (喻凤斯 MSc) 2020-2023

Yating Zhou (周雅婷 MSc)  2020-2022, Xinran Dai (戴欣然 MSc)  2020-2022

Wenjing Wang (王文静 MSc)  2019-2022, Huanhuan Jin (靳欢欢 MSc)  2019-2022

Minlong Wang (王明龙 MSc) 2018-2021, Zhuang Li (李状 MSc) 2018-2021, Chenyue Liang (梁陈悦 MSc) 2018-2020, Libo Huang (黄厘博 MSc)  2018-2020

Jinqiu Wen (温金秋 MSc)  2017-2020, Jianlu Ren (任建录 MSc)  2017-2020, Abdul Munir Khirzada (MSc)  2017-2020,  


bold student author,   * corresponding author

[--] Qihua Huang, Feng Wang, Xiumei Deng*, Lai Zhang, A degenerate non-autonomous first-order hyperbolic model for size-structured populations with active and quiescent states, under review.

[--] Qihua Huang*, Qiuyan Long, Chunhua Shan, The effects of two discrete delays on the competition outcomes in a Beverton-Holt competition model, under review.

[--] Zhen Wang, Xiong Li, Qihua Huang*, A stochastic size-structured population model: well-posedness and moment bound, under reivew.

[--] Minglong Wang, Qihua Huang*, Yijun Lou*, Dynamical analysis of a parabolic-hyperbolic hybrid model for species with distinct dispersal and sedentary stages, under review.

[--] Qihua Huang, De Tang*, Taishan Yi, Global analysis of a degenerate reaction-diffusion-advection system for two competing species in a river, under review.

[39] Qihua Huang, Jie Ou, Xiumei Deng*, On a nonautonomous nonlinear model for cell growth and division, Applied Mathematics Letters,  166 (2025), Article number: 109528. 

[38] Xiumei Deng, Qihua Huang*, Hao Wang, A nonautonomous model for the impact of toxicants on size-structured aquatic populations: well-posedness and long-term dynamics, Mathematical Biosciences, 381 (2025), Article number: 109382.

[37] Xiumei Deng, Qihua Huang*, Zhi-An Wang, A spatiotemporal model for the effects of toxicants on the competitive
dynamics of aquatic species, Mathematical Biosciences,  379 (2025), Article number: 109341.

[36] Xiumei Deng, Qihua Huang*, A toxicant-taxis reaction-diffusion model for the interaction between two species and a toxicant in an aquatic ecosystem, Chaos, Solition & Fractals, 183 (2024), Article number: 114930.

[35] Jie Xing, Qihua Huang, Hua Nie*, Dynamical analysis of a diffusive population-toxicant model with toxicant-taxis in polluted aquatic environments, Mathematical Biosciences, 372 (2024), Article number: 109193.

[34] Yuxing Liu, Qihua Huang*, Time-delayed models for the effects of toxicants on populations in contaminated aquatic ecosystems, Mathematics in Applied Sciences and Engineering,  5 (2024), 85-184.

[33] Zhuxin Ni, Qihua Huang*, A nonautonomous model for the interaction between a size-structured consumer and an unstructured resource, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 88 (2024), Article number: 49, 28 pages.

[32] Xiaolan Wang, Chanaka Kottegoda, Chunhua Shan, Qihua Huang*, Oscillations and coexistence generated by discrete delays in a two-species competition modelDiscrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-B,  29 (2024), 1798-1814.

[31] Xiumei Deng, Qihua Huang*, Zhi-An Wang, Global dynamics and pattern formation in a diffusive population-toxicant model with toxicant-taxis, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics,  83 (2023), 2212–2236.

[30] Yan Li, Qihua Huang*, The existence and uniqueness of solutions of a nonlinear toxin-dependent size-structured population modelMathematics in Applied Sciences and Engineering, 3 (2022), 190-199. 

[29] Minglong Wang, Yuxiang Zhang, Qihua Huang*, A stage-structured continuous-/discrete-time population model: persistence and spatial spread, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 84 (2022), Article number: 135, 29 pages.

[28] Qihua Huang, Paul Salceanu*, Hao Wang, Dispersal-driven coexistence in a multiple-patch competition model for zebra and quagga mussels, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 28 (2022), 183-197.

[27] Peng Zhou, Qihua Huang*, A spatiotemporal model for the effects of toxicants on populations in a polluted river, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 82 (2022), 95–118. (Reported by SIAM News, see “New model examines the effects of toxicants on populations in polluted rivers",

[26] Qin Pan, Jicai Huang*, Qihua Huang, Global dynamics and bifurcations in a SIRS epidemic model with a nonmonotone incidence rate and a piecewise-defined treatment rate, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-B,  27 (2022): 3533-3561.

[25] Haitao Song, Guihong Fan, Shi Zhao, Huaichen Li, Qihua Huang, and Daihai He*, Forecast of the COVID-19 trend in India: A simple modeling approach, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 18 (2021), 9775-9786.

[24] Keng Deng, Qihua Huang*, On a nonlinear nonlocal model for a population with separate dispersal and sedentary stages, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 62 (2021), 103366.

[23] Xiong Li, Qihua Huang*, Global analysis of a juvenile-adult model for cannibalistic species, International Journal of Biomathematics,  14 (2021) , 2150045.

[22] Qihua Huang, Yuxiang Zhang*, Spread rates of a juvenile-adult population in constant and temporally variable environmentsTheoretical Ecology, 14  (2021), 145-160.

[21] Yuyue Zhang, Jicai Huang, Qihua Huang*, The impact of toxins on competition dynamics of three species in a polluted aquatic environmentDiscrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-B, 26 (2021), 3043-3068.

[20] Yueping Dong, Jianlu Ren, Qihua Huang*, Dynamics of a toxin-mediated aquatic population model with delayed toxic response, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 17 (2020), 5907-5924.

[19] Keng Deng,  Qihua Huang*,  A hybrid parabolic and hyperbolic equation model for a population with separate dispersal and stationary stages: well-posedness and population persistence, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 79 (2019), 2265-2287.

[18] Chunhua Shan, Qihua Huang*, Direct and indirect effects of toxins on competition dynamics of species in an aquatic environment, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 78 (2019), 739-766.

[17] Yu Jin, Qihua Huang*, Julia Blackburn, Mark A. Lewis, Persistence metrics for a river population in a two-dimensional benthic-drift model, AIMS Mathematics, 4 (2019), 1768-1795.

[16] Qihua Huang, Gunog Seo*, Chunhua Shan, Bifurcations and global dynamics in a toxin-dependent aquatic population model, Mathematical Biosciences, 296 (2018), 26-35.

[15] Qihua Huang*, Hao Wang, Mark A. Lewis, A hybrid continuous/discrete-time model for invasion dynamics of zebra mussels in rivers, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 77 (2017), 854-880. (Reported by SIAM News, see "Modeling invasive activity zebra mussels infiltration of North American rivers", )

[14] Qihua Huang *, Hao Wang, A toxin-mediated size-structured population model: finite difference approximation and well-posedness, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 13 (2016), 697-722.

[13] Qihua Huang*, Hao Wang, Anthnoy Ricciardi, Mark A. Lewis, Temperature- and turbidity-dependent competitive interactions between invasive freshwater mussels, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 78 (2016), 353-380.

[12] Qihua Huang*, Yu Jin , Mark A. Lewis, R0 analysis of a benthic-drift model for a stream population, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 15 (2016), 287-321.

[11] Qihua Huang*, Hao Wang,  Mark A. Lewis, The impact of environmental toxins on predator-prey dynamics, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 378 (2015), 12-30.

[10] Qihua Huang*, Mark A. Lewis, Homing fidelity and reproductive rate for migratory populations, Theoretical Ecology, 8 (2015), 187-205.

[9] Qihua Huang*, Hao Wang, and Mark A. Lewis, Development of a toxin-mediated predator-prey model applicable to aquatic environments in the Athabasca oil sands regionOil Sands Research and Information Network (OSRIN), University of Alberta, School of Energy and the Environment, Edmonton, Alberta, OSRIN Technical Report, 2014, TR-59. 59 pp.  

[8] Qihua  Huang*, Laura Parshotam, Hao Wang, Caroline Bampfylde,  Mark A. Lewis, A model for the impact of contaminants on fish population dynamics, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 334 (2013), 71-79.

[7] Azmy S. Ackleh*, Jacoby Carter, Keng Deng, Qihua Huang, Nabendu Pal, Xing Yang, Fitting a structured juvenile-adult model of green tree frogs to population estimates from capture-mark-recapture field data, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 74 (2012), 641-665.

[6] Azmy S. Ackleh, Keng Deng*, Qihua Huang, Difference approximation for an amphibian juvenile-adult dispersal model, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Special Issue, Proceedings of AIMS 2010 Conference, Dresden Germany, 2011, 1-12.

[5] Azmy S. Ackleh, Keng Deng* , Qihua Huang, Stochastic juvenile-adult models with application to a green tree frog population, Journal of Biological Dynamics, 5 (2011), 64-83.

[4] Azmy S. Ackleh*, Keng Deng , Qihua Huang, Existence-uniqueness results and difference approximations for an amphibian juvenile-adult model, AMS Contemporary Mathematics Series, Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization, 513 (2010), 1-23.

[3] Qihua Huang*, Weian Liu, Yan Li, Finite difference scheme for a size-structured multi-population model, Journal of Mathematics, 29 (2009), 1-9.

[2] Qihua Huang*, Semi-discretization for a size-structured population model (in Chinese), Mathematics in Practice and Theory, 11 (2009), 71-75.

[1] Yan Li*, Weian Liu,  Qihua Huang, Existence of periodic solution to a competition diffusion model with infinity delay (in Chinese), Journal of Mathematics, 27 (2007), 301-306. 

Journal Referee

SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics

SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems

Theoretical Eology

Journal of Mathematical Biology

Bulletin of Mathematical Biology

Mathematical Biosciences

Journal of Theoretical Biology

Ecological Modelling

Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations

Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-B

Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications

Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering

Studies in Applied Mathematics

International Journal of Biomathematics

Chaos, Solitons and Fractals


(78) Frontiers in Mathematical Biosciences III, Shanxi University, Taiyuan, China, December 16-22, 2024.

(77) Conference on New Frontiers and Advances in Mathematical Biology and Interdisciplinary Fields, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, November 22-24, 2024.

(76) Differential Equation Seminar, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, China, October 29, 2024.

(75) Workshop on Reaction-Diffusion Equations, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua, China, October 27-28, 2024.

(74) Mathematical Biology Seminar, Shannxi Normal University, Xi'an, China, June 27, 2024.

(73) Frontiers in Mathematical Biosciences II, Tianyuan Mathematics Research Center, Kunming, China, June 16-22, 2024.

(72) The 4th International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Applications in Biomathematics, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, China, June 14-16, 2024.

(71) Workshop on Reaction-Diffusion Equations, South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China, June 7-10, 2024. 

(71) PDE Seminar, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China, May 24, 2024.

(70) Mathematical Biology Seminar,  Shandong University of Science and Technology,Qingdao,China,May 17, 2024.

(69) Workshop on Mathematical Ecology, Heilongjiang University, Harbin, China, January 29-February 1, 2024.

(68) Differential Equation Seminar, Dalian University of Technology, China, December 20, 2023.

(67) The 6th Conference on Differential Equations, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology,Hangzhou, China, December 8-10, 2023.

(66) PolyU-SZRI Biological Dynamics Workshop, Shenzhen, China,December 3-5, 2023.

(65) Differential Equation Seminar, Sun Yat-sen University (Zhuhai), China, December 6, 2023.

(64) Applied Mathematics Seminar, Sun Yat-sen University, China, December 7, 2023.

(63) International Workshop on Biomathematics Modeling and Dynamic Analysis, Linyi University, Linyi, China, August 5-7, 2023. 

(62) Mathematical Biology Seminar, Xinyang Normal University, China, August 2, 2023. 

(61) Workshop on Frontiers in Mathematical Biosciences, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China, July 27-29, 2023.

(60) The 4th International Conference on Mathematical Biology Modelling and Stochastic Analysis,Xuzhou, China, April 28-May 1, 2023.

(59) Mathematical Biology Seminar, Shannxi Normal Univesity, March 24, 2023.

(58) Workshop on Mathematical Biology and Differential Equations, Henan University, November 12-13, 2022.

(57) Differential Equation Seminar, Shandong Normal University, October 27, 2022.

(56) Workshop on Partial Differential Equations and Mathematical Biology, Sun Yat-sen University, September 17-18, 2022.

(55) International Workshop on Biomathematics Modeling and Dynamic Analysis, Heilongjiang University and Kobe University, August 26-27, 2022. 

(54) Differential Equation Seminar, Beijing Normal University, July 22, 2022.

(53) Applied Mathematics Seminar, Dalian University of Technology, July 15, 2022.

(52) Differential Equation Seminar, Sun Yat-sen University (Zhuhai), June 24, 2022.

(51) Mathematical Biology Seminar, Yangzhou University, June 16, 2022.

(50) Mathematical Biology Seminar, Shannxi Normal Univesity, June 15, 2022.

(49) The second International Conference on Mathematical Biology Modeling, Analysis, and Application, Harbin Engineering Univerisity, June 10-13.

(48) Workshop on Recent Advances in Mathematical Biology, Applied Mathematics Research Center, China University of Mining and Technology, April 30, 2022.

(47) Applied Mathematics Seminar, Beijing Computational Science Research Center, April 19, 2022.

(46) Applied Mathematics Seminar, School of Mathematics and Statistics, ChongqingTechnology and Business University, April 15, 2022. 

(45) Applied Mathematics Seminar, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Xinjiang University, March 29, 2022.

(44) The 19th CSIAM Annual Meeting, Hefei, China, October 8-11, 2021.

(43) The 2nd Mathematical Life Science Conference, Wuhan University,  China, August  28-29, 2021.

(42) The 7th International Workshop on Biomathematics Modeling and Its Dynamical Analysis, Yangtze University, Jingzhou, China, July  22-25, 2021.

(41) The 3rd International Conference on Mathematical Biology Modelling and Stochastic Analysis, Lanzhou, China, April 23-26, 2021.

(40) Applied Mathematics Seminar, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Heilongjiang University, Harbin, China, December 14, 2020.

(39) Mathematical Biology Seminar, College of Mathematical Sciences, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, China, December 3, 2020.

(38) Differential Equations Seminar, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China, November 14, 2020.

(37) Workshop on Mathematical Biology, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China, November 7-9, 2020.

(36) Differential Equations Seminar,  School of Mathematics and Statistics, Xidian University, Xian, China, November 9, 2020.

(35) Applied Mathematics Seminar,  School of Mathematics and Statistics, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China, September 24, 2020.

(34) Mathematical Biology Seminar, School of Mathematics, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, China, June 25, 2020.

(33) Workshop on Nonlinear Analysis and Mathematical Biology, Qiannan Normal University for Nationalities, Duyun, China, December 13-16, 2019.

(32) The 13th International Conference on Recent Advances in Applied Dynamical Systems, Hangzhou, China, June 8-10, 2019.

(31) Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems Seminar, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Central China Normal University, China, June 6, 2019. 

(30) Workshop on Nonlinear Reaction Diffusion Equations, Shannxi Normal University, Xian, China, April 20-21. 2019.

(29) The 1st International Conference on Mathematical Biology Modelling and Stochastic Analysis, Huaian, China, November 30-December 2, 2018.

(28) Mathematical Biology Seminar, School of Mathematics, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, China, November 28, 2018

(27) Mathematical Biology Seminar, School of Mathematical Sciences, Anhui University, Hefei, China, November 26, 2018

(26) Chinese Mathematical Society Annual Meeting, Guiyang, China, October 20-22, 2018,

(25) The Sixth International Conference on Mathematical Biology, Beijing, China, June 22-25, 2018.

(24) The 12th International Conference on Recent Advances in Applied Dynamical Systems, Chongqing, China, June 8-10, 2018.

(23) Applied Mathematics Seminar, School of Mathematics, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, May 18, 2018.

(22) Applied Mathematics Seminar, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Heilongjiang University, Harbin, China, May 17, 2018.

(21) Mathematical Biology Seminar, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China, May 16, 2018.

(20) The Sixth Western China Partial Differential Equations Conference, Nanchong, China, January 8-10, 2018.

(19) Mathematical biology Seminar, Complex Systems Reaearch Center, Shanxi University, Tianyuan, China, September 19, 2017.

(18) The 46th Annual John H. Barrett Memorial Lectures, Modeling and Analysis of Nonlinear PDEs in Spatial Ecology, University of Tennessee,  Knoxville, USA, May 16-18, 2016.

(17) Mathematical Biology Seminar, Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, November 16, 2015.

(16) The NSERC Canadian Aquatic Invasive Species Network 2015 Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, April 25-29, 2015.

(15) 2015 Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Antonio, USA, January 10-13, 2015.

(14) Mathematical Biology Seminar, Department of Mathematics, University  of Nebraska-Lincoln, Nebraska, USA, November 6, 2014.

(13) Mathematical Biology Seminar, Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, October 27, 2014.

(12) Alberta Mathematics Dialogue 2014, Camrose, Alberta, Canada, May 1-2, 2014.

(11) The NSERC Canadian Aquatic Invasive Species Network 2014 Conference, Gatineau, Quebec, Canada, April 26-30, 2014.

(10) Mathematical Biology Seminar, Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, March 17, 2014.

(9) AARMS-CRM Workshop on Sustainability of Aquatic Ecosystem Networks, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, October 22-25, 2013.

(8) The NSERC Canadian Aquatic Invasive Species Network 2013 Conference, Kananaskis Village, Alberta, Canada, May 1-4, 2013.

(7) Mathematical Biology Seminar, Mathematics and Statistics Department, Utah State University, Logan, USA, March 3, 2013.

(6) Mathematical Biology Seminar, Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, January 7, 2013.

(5) Canadian Mathematical Society Meeting, Montreal, Canada, December 7-10, 2012,

(4) Mathematical Biology Seminar, Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, August 19, 2011.

(3) Joint Mathematics Meetings, New Orleans, USA, January 6-9, 2011.

(2) The 30th Annual Southeastern-Atlantic Regional Conference on Differential Equations, Virginia Tech University, Blacksburg,   USA, October 1-2, 2010.

(1) The 10th Annual Red Raider Mini-Symposium, Texas Tech University, Lubbock,  USA, October 28-30, 2010.

#2, Tiansheng road, Beibei, Chongqing, China
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