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2016年广西高校优秀共产党员;2014年获广西高校 “卓越学者”;2013年获广西科技进步三等奖;2012年入选广西财政出国留学资助计划;2010年入选广西高校优秀人才资助计划;
1、G. Long, H. Yang* ,L.Liu, Fast wavelet collocation method with compression technique for Steklov eigenvalue problems of Helmholtz equations,APPL MATH LET, (2025).
2、H. Yang , G. Long* , Y. Ren and S.Zhao, An augmented fourth order domain-decomposed method with fast algebraic solvers for three-dimensional Helmholtz interface problems, JOURNAL of COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS 524 (2025), 113742.
3、L.Liu*, L.Xu, Z. Huang and G.Long, Supercloseness of the NIPG method on a Bakhvalov-type mesh for a singularly perturbed problem with two small parameters, APPL NUMER MATH 207 (2025), 431-449.
1、Y. Ren, C. Li, G. Long and S.Zhao*,A multigrid-based high order finite difference method for parabolic interface problems with variable coefficients,Recent advances on two-phase flows, fluid-structure interactions, and interface problems (ICIAM2023 · ICIAM2023-2 ). (2024).
2、G.Long*, H. Yang and D. Cheng, Fast multi-level iteration schemes with compression technique for eigen-problems of compact integral operators, APPL NUMER MATH 198 (2024), 448-460.
3、H. Yang, S. Zhao and G. Long*, A MAC grid based FFT-AMIB solver for incompressible stokes flows with interfaces and singular forces, J COMPUT APPL MATH 450 (2024), 116019.
1、C. Li, Y. Ren, G. Long, E. Boerman and S. Zhao, A fast sine transform accelerated high-order finite difference method for parabolic problems over irregular domains, J SCI COMPUT 95 (2023), 49.
2、L. Liu, Y. Liao and G. Long, A novel parameter-uniform numerical method for a singularly perturbed volterra integro-differential equation, COMPUT APPL MATH (2023).
3、L. Liu, Y. Liao and G. Long, Error estimate of bdf2 scheme on a bakhvalov-type mesh for a singularly perturbed volterra integro-differential equation, NETW HETEROG MEDIA 18 (2023), 547-561.
4、Y. Liao, L. B. Liu, L. Xu and G. Long, Richardson extrapolation method for 2d-spp on vb mesh singularly perturbed convection–diffusion problem on a vulanović–bakhvalov mesh, COMPUTAIONAL AND APPLIED MATHMATICS 42 (2023), no. 3, 1-20.
1、Y. Li, S. Yang and G. Long, Continuity of random attractors on a topological space and fractional delayed fitzhugh-nagumo equations with wz-noise, Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - B 27 (2022), no. 10, 5977-6008.
2、L. B. Liu, C. Zhu and G. Long, Numerical analysis of a system of semilinear singularly perturbed first-order differential equations on an adaptive grid, MATH METHOD APPL SCI 45 (2022), no. 4, 2042-2057.
3、X. Zhu, D. Cheng and G. Long, Matched interface and boundary method for the helmholtz equation with a discretization by 4th-order 17-point fd scheme, JOURNAL of PHYSICS: Conference Series 2219 (2022), 12020.
4、C. Li, G. Long, Y. Li and S. Zhao, Alternating direction implicit (adi) methods for solving two-dimensional parabolic interface problems with variable coefficients, COMPUTATION, 9 (2021), 79.
5、H. Feng, G. Long and S. Zhao, Fft-based high order central difference schemes for poisson's equation with staggered boundaries, J SCI COMPUT 86 (2021), no. 1, 1-25.
6、G. Long, R. Jie and L. B. Liu, Multilevel augmentation methods for eigen-problems of compact integral operators, NUMER ALGORITHMS 88 (2021), 1523-1540.
7、G. Long, L. B. Liu and Z. Huang, Richardson extrapolation method on an adaptive grid for singularly perturbed volterra integro-differential equations, NUMER FUNC ANAL OPT 42 (2021), no. 7, 739-757.