邓和浦 Hepu Deng


RMIT University


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Hepu is experienced in working and teaching at tertiary education in a cross-culture environment. After graduation and worked as a mathematics teacher in a High School he became an assistant lecturer and then lecturer in the Department of Business, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, China. He started at the Gippsland School of Computing and Information Technology, Monash University in July 1998 as a lecturer and was appointed to the School of Business IT at RMIT in 2000.

Hepu is a Professor in Information Systems in the School. His research interests are in the areas of decision analysis, intelligent systems, digital business, knowledge management, and their applications in business. The multi-disciplinary nature of his research and the emphasis on both theoretical and applied research are exemplified by numerous refereed publications in top refereed international journals listed in the Science Citation Index and at major refereed international conferences. `

Hepu is active in the international academic communities. He acted as the Co-Chair of two IEEE international conferences in Fuzzy Systems, Knowledge Discovery and Computational Intelligence in 2009. He was the Publicity Chair for five IEEE international conferences in China and Singapore including the 9th IEEE International Conference on Neural Information Processing (2002), the 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Simulated Evolution and Learning (2002), and the 2002 International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery and the organization committee member for numerous international conferences. He was and is currently a referee for many prestigious international journals including the International Journal of Fuzzy Sets and Systems, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, European Journal of Operational Research, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, International Journal of Computers and Industrial Engineering, International Journal of information Sciences, Computers and Operations Research, International Journal of Production Economics, Journal of Computational Intelligence in Finance, Journal of Operations Management, and International Journal of Knowledge and Information Systems.


1980.09-1984.07,Bachelor (Mathematics), 1984, Hunan Normal University, China 1992.01-1994.-,Master (Business Systems), 1994, Monash University 1985.09-1988.-,Postgraduate Diploma (Management Engineering), 1988, University of Science and Technology Beijing, China 1996.01-1999.-,PhD (Computing) 1999, Monash University


Current PhD Students Song Xiong:Knowledge Sharing in International Joint Venture in China: An Organizational Culture Framework. Xiaoxia Duan: Techniques and Approaches for E-Market Evaluation and Selection in Australian Small-and-Medium Enterprises for E-Business Bhavani Sridharan: Santoso Wibowo: Kanishka Karunasena: Paul Mercieca:


Decision analysis , Intelligent systems , Digital business , Knowledge management , Electronic government

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