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范瑞芳,女,河南省新乡人,博士,华南师范大学生命科学学院教授,博士研究生导师。任广东省环境诱变剂协会理事, 长期担任Environment International, Environmental Science & Technology, Science of Total Environment, Environmental Research, Scientific Reports, Chemosphere等杂志的审稿人。
研究兴趣:(1)环境有机污染物生物监测与环境风险评价(2)环境污染物的毒理与健康效应。欢迎具有环境科学、生物技术、环境毒理学背景的学生报考研究生。电子邮件:20001047@m.scnu.edu.cn 和 tgxb@jnu.edu.cn
Researches interested
[1] The biomonitoring of environmental pollutions in urine and blood for populations and the assessment of their environmental risks.
[2] Environmental toxic mechanism and its health effects.
Please contact with :
2010.09-2012.03,获国家留学基金委资助,赴美国加州公共卫生局(California Department of Public Health)访学一年半。
[1] 国家自然科学基金(21777048),2018.01-2021.12,64万元,主持,在研。
[2] 国家自然科学基金重点项目(41731279),2018.01-2022.12,323万元,第一参与人/子课题负责人,在研。
[3] 广州市科技计划项目(201510010107),20万,2015.06-2018.06,主持,结题。
[4] 国家自然科学基金(21477041),87万元,2015.01-2018.12,主持,结题。
[5] 广东省自然科学基金(S2013010013183),5万元,2013.10-2015.10,主持,结题。
[6] 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金(教外司留[2013]693号),3万元,2013.07-2015.07,主持,结题。
[7] 教育部博士点基金(20124407120005),4万元,2012.12-2015.12,主持,结题。
[8] 环境保护部全国重点地区环境与健康专项调查基金子课题(21111011101EHH(2011)-206),8万元,2011.07-2013.02,主持,结题。
Research fundings:
【1】 Effects of low-dose and perinatal exposure to bisphenol A on brain cell of offspring mice as well as its relationships with altered behavior of children, supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant No. 21777048), ¥640,000, 2017.01-2020.12.
【2】Effects of long-term and low-dose exposure to bisphenol A on brain cell and behavior in several generations of mice during perinatal period, supported by the Guangzhou Key Laboratory of Environmental Exposure and Health (grant No. GZKLEEH201607), ¥50,000, 2016.06-2018.06.
【3】Relationships between polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon exposure levels and DNA damage, lung function of children, supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant No.21477041), ¥870,000, 2015.01-2018.12.
【4】Effects of Long-term exposure to bisphenol A on brain cell and their relationships with the change of children behavior, supported by Science and Technology Program of Guangzhou, China (grant No.201510010107), ¥200,000, 2015.01-2017.12.
【5】Relationships between the urinary bisphenol A exposure for kindergarten children in Guangzhou, the oxidative DNA damage and the dust concentration, supported by Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong, China (grant No. S2013010013183), ¥50,000, 2013.10-2015.10.
【6】Primary study of aromatic carcinogenic compounds in PM2.5 air and its effects on children in Guangzhou, Supported by Scientific Research Foundation for Returned Scholars, Ministry of Education of China (grant No. [2013] 693), ¥30,000, 2013-2015.
【7】 Primary study of aromatic carcinogenic compounds in PM2.5 air and its effects on children in Guangzhou, supported by Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China (grant No. 20124407120005), ¥40,000, 2013.0-2015.05.
【8】 QA/QC system of the quantitation of hydroxyl PAH in urine, supported by Ministry of Environmental Protection, sub-funding of environmental health special survey of the key area of China (grant No. 21111011101EHH(2011)-206), ¥80,000, 2011.10-213.02.
【9】 Children’s exposure level to PAHs in Guangzhou and their relationships with DNA damage, supported by Open Project of Chinese state key laboratory of organic chemistry (grant No OGL-200706). ¥20,000, 2008.01-2009.12.
近年以通讯以及第一作者发表的代表性文章(Publications in the past five years):
(1) Haibin Zhang, Zhouyu Wang, Lingxue Meng, Hongxuan Kuang, Jian Liu, Xuejing Lv, Qihua Pang, Ruifang Fan*, Maternal exposure to environmental bisphenol A impairs the neurons in hippocampus across generations, Toxicology, 2020, 432:152393.
(2) Hongxuan Kuang, Yanyan Dai, Yonghong Li, Caihui Cha, Wenhui Jiang, Qihua Pang, Haibin Zhang, Ruifang Fan*. The association among blood BPDE-DNA adducts, serum interleukin-8 (IL-8) and overall DNA damage for children with pulmonary disease. International Journal of Environmental Health Research,, 2019, 1-12. (SCI, IF=1.465)
(3) Hongxuan Kuang, Yonghong Li, Wenhui Jiang, Peiqiong Wu, Jianhua Tan, Haibin Zhang, Qihua Pang, Ruifang Fan*. Simultaneous determination of urinary 31VOC metabolites, 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine and trans-3'-hydroxy-cotinine by UPLC-MS/MS: The effect of isotoped internal standards on elimination of matrix effect, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2019, 411:7841-7855. (IF2018=3.286)
(4) Haibing Zhang, Kuanghong Xuan, Yifan Luo, Shuhua Liu, Lingxue Meng, Qihua Pang, Ruifang Fan*. Low-dose bisphenol A exposure impairs learning and memory ability with alterations of neuromorphology and neurotransmitters in rats, Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 697:134036. ( IF2018=5.589)
(5)Qihua Pang#, Yanru Li#, Lingxue Meng, Guanyong Li, Zhiwei Luo, Ruifang Fan*. Neurotoxicity of BPA, BPS and BPB for the hippocampal cell line (HT-22): an implication for the replace of BPA in plastics,Chemosphere, 2019, 226:545-552. (SCI2018=5.108, 2区)
6) 邝洪轩,张海彬,谭建华,雒亦凡,刘舒华,庞启华,李楚华,范瑞芳*. 维生素C抗氧化-同位素内标稀释-超高效液相色谱串联质谱法同时测定新生期大鼠海马体神经递质的含量,色谱,2019,37(4):404-411。
(7) Laiguo Chen, Guocheng Hu, Ruifang Fan*, Yanshan Lv, Yanyan Dai, Zhencheng Xu*. Association of PAHs and BTEX exposure with lung function and respiratory symptoms among non-occupational population near the coal-chemical industry in Northern China. Environment International, 2018, 120:480-488. (SCI2018=7.943, 1区)
(8) Yanru Li, Haibin Zhang, Hongxuan Kuang, Ruifang Fan*, Caihui Cha*, Guanyong Li, Zhiwei Luo, Qihua Pang. Relationship between Bisphenol A exposure and Attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder: A case-control study for primary school children in Guangzhou, China. Environmental Pollution, 2018, 235:141-149. (SCI2018=5.714, 2区)
(9) Yuanxiu Zhou, Zhouyu Wang, Minghan Xia, Siyi Zhuang, Xiaobing Gong*, Jianwen Pan, Chuhua Li, Ruifang Fan*, Qihuang Pang, Shaoyou Lu. Neurotoxicity of low bisphenol A (BPA) exposure for young male mice: An implication for children exposed to environmental level of BPA, Environmental Pollution, 2017, 229:40-48. (SCI2017=4.358, 2区)
(10) Yanshan Lv#, Shaoyou Lu#, Yanyan Dai, Caiyan Rui, Yongjun Wang, Yanru Li, Yuanxiu Zhou, Qihua Pang, Ruifang Fan*. Higher dermal exposure of cashiers to BPA and its association with DNA oxidative damage, Environment International, 2017, 98:69-74. SCI2017=7.297, 1区).
(11) Yanshan Lv, Caiyan Rui, Yanyan Dai, Qihua Pang, Yanru Li, Ruifang Fan*, Shaoyou Lu*. Children exposure to BPA through dust and the association of urinary BPA, triclosan with oxidative stress in Guangzhou, China. Environmental Science: processes & impact, 2016, 18: 1492-1499. (SCI, IF2016=2.592)
(12) Shaoyou Lu, Lu Ren, Jianzhang Fang, Jiajia Ji, Guihua Liu, Jianqing Zhang, Huimin Zhang, Ruorong Luo, Kai Lin, Ruifang Fan*. Trace elements can increase urinary 8-hydroxy
(13)周苑秀,李敏杰,钟伟红, 范瑞芳*. 彗星电泳法测定双酚A对雄性小鼠脑细胞的DNA损伤.生态毒理学报,2016,11(2):666-671。
(14) Junnan Li#, Shaoyou Lu#, Guihua Liu, Yuanxiu Zhou,Yan Shan Lv, Jianwen She, Ruifang Fan*. Co-exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, benzene and toluene and their dose-effects on oxidative stress damage in kindergarten-aged children in Guangzhou, China. Science of the Total Environment, 2015, 524-525: 74-80. (SCI, IF2015=4.099, 2区).
(15)Ruifang Fan*, Biyan Zeng, Xiaosu Liu, Chao Chen, Qinwei Zhuang, Yongjun Wang, Mingli Hu, Yanshan Lv, Junnan Li, Yuanxiu Zhou, Zhi Yuan (William) Lin. Levels of bisphenol-A in different paper products in Guangzhou, China and assessment of human exposure via dermal contact. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 2015, 17:667-673. (SCI, IF2015=2. 401)
(16) Ruifang Fan*, Dongli Wang, Jianwen She. Method development for the simultaneous analysis of trans, trans-muconic acid, 1, 2-dihydroxybenzene, S-phenylmercapturic acid and S-benzylmercapturic acid in human urine by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometery. Analytical Methods, 2015, 7: 573-580. (SCI, IF2015=1.821)
(17)Junnan Li, Ruifang Fan*, Shaoyou Lu*, Dongru Zhang,Yuanxiu Zhou, Yanshan Lv. Exposure to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon could cause their oxidative DNA Damage: A Case Study for College Students in Guangzhou, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22: 1770-1777. (SCI, IF2015=2.828)
(18) Ruifang Fan, Junnan Li, Laiguo Chen*, Zhencheng Xu*, Dechun He, Yuanxiu Zhou, Yuanyuan Zhu, Fusheng Wei , Jihua Li. Biomass fuels and coke plants are important sources of human exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, benzene and toluene. Environmental Research, 2014, 135: 1–8. (SCI, IF2014=4.373)
(19) Ruifang Fan*, Dongli Wang, Chuanwei Mao, Shangkang Ou, Zhixia Lian, Shaoling Huang, Qiongshan Lin, Runhao Ding, Jianwen She. Preliminary study of children’s exposure to PAHs and its association with 8-hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanasine in Guangzhou, China. Environment International, 2012, 42: 53-58. (SCI, IF2012 = 6.248)
(20) Ruifang Fan, Robert Ramage, Dongli Wang, Junqiang Zhou, Jianwen She*. Determination of ten monohydroxylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by liquid-liquid extraction and liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry. Talanta, 2012, 93: 383-395. (SCI, IF2012 = 3.498)
(21)Ruifang Fan, Dongli Wang, Robert Ramage, Jianwen She*. Fast and simultaneous determination of urinary 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine and ten monohydroxylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometery. Chemical Research in Toxicology, 2012, 25(2) 491-499. (SCI, IF2012= 3.667.)
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