协同计算(Collaborative Computing)没有严格的定义,可以理解为计算机支持的协同工作(Computer Supported Cooperative Work,CSCW)的计算支持技术,即为实现基于计算机网络环境协同工作的计算技术都可以认为是协同计算的范畴。在互联网时代,特别是移动互联网与大数据时代,社交网络已成为一种最典型的协同计算应用。
•Understand social aspects of the Web
–Social Theories + Social media + Mining
–Learn to collect, clean, and represent social media data
–How to measure important properties of social media and simulate social media models
–Find and analyze communities in social media
–Understand how information propagates in social media
–Understanding friendships in social media, perform recommendations, and analyze behavior
•Study or ask interesting research issues
–e.g., start-up ideas / research challenges
•Learn representative algorithms and tools