
Yanchun Zhang is a Professor and the Director of Centre for Applied  Informatics at Victoria University. He obtained a PhD degree in Computer  Science from The University of Queensland in 1991. He was a research fellow at UQ and CRC Distributed Distributed Systems Technology from 1991 to 1993,  and an  academic member in the  Department of Mathematics and Computing at University of Southern Queensland  from 1994 to June 2003. He has been active in areas of database and information  systems, distributed databases, Web and internet technologies, Web information  systems, Web data management, Web mining, Web search,  Web services, and  e-Research. He has published over 220 research papers in international journals and conferences proceedings, and authored/edited 12 books. His research has been supported by a number of Australian Research Council (ARC) linkage projects and discovery project grants. He was the winner of 2005 Victoria University Vice-Chancellor’s  Medal for Excellence in Research, and 2011 Victoria University Vice-Chancellor’s Peak Award for Research and Research Training in Research Supervision, respectively. He was a member of Australian Research Council  (ARC) College of Experts (2008-2010). He is currently a steering committee member of The ARC Research Network in Enterprise Information Infrastructure (EII).  

He is  the Editor-In-Chief of World Wide Web journal (Springer) and Health Information Science and Systems journal (BioMed Central), and the Editor  of Web Information Systems Engineering and Internet Technologies Book Series from Springer. He is Chairman of Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE) Society. He is Australian representative of International Federation of Information  Processing (IFIP) 's Working Group  WG6.4 on Internet Applications Engineering.


The 14th International Conference on Web Information System Engineering (WISE13) October 13-15, 2013, Nanjing, China.

The 13th International Conference on Web Information System Engineering (WISE12) November 28th-30th, 2012, Paphos, Cyprus.

The 14th Asia-Pacific Web Conference (APWeb12), April 11-13, 2012, Kunming, China

The 1st International Conference on Health Information Science (HIS12), April 8-10, 2012, Beijing, China

11th International Conferences on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE10), December 12-14, 2010, Hong Kong, China

The 10th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM10), December 13-17, 2010, Sydney, Australia

10th International Conferences on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE09), October 5-7, 2009, Poznan, Poland.

10th Asia-Pacific Web Conference (APWeb08), 26-28, April, 2008, Shenyang China.

Editor-in-Chief, World Wide Web, Health Information Science and System

Editor-in-Chief, WISE&IT Book Series (pdf flyer) from Springer Web Information Systems Engineering&Internet Technologies Book Series


Web data management , Web mining , E-Research

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