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Huo Yan Chen was born in A&C,
where people plant fine "Guanyin" tea.
At 1963, he left his beautiful village,
entered into Nankai (南开) University,
and began his research and study
in science and technology:
Huo Yan Chen graduated from Department of Mathematics of Nankai University, China in 1968. He received the master’s degree by research in Computer Science in 1982.
He had been a full professor of computer science at Jinan University for 19 years since 1991. He had served as the head of the Department of Computer Science and the associate-dean of the
He had worked in an IT company for 10 years totally, and was a system analyst & software designer & logic principal designer for 7 years on shipping navigation mini-computer systems. He was a visiting exchange research scholar on Computer Science in the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in USA from 1986 to 1988. He had conducted research in software engineering and expert systems at The University of Hong Kong for 10 years. He visited the University of Melbourne in Australia for research collaboration on software testing. He had conducted academic exchanges on Computer Science at Washington D.C., Big Island of Hawaii, Nashville of Tennessee, Charlotte of North Carolina, USA; Hague of The Netherlands; Belfast of North Ireland, Hammamet of Tunisia; and Tokyo of Japan.
He was the president of the Guangzhou Intelligent Engineering Association from 2002 to 2006, and a vice-president of the Guangdong Computer Federation from 2004 to 2010.
He gained HuoYing Dong's Scholarship from Hong Kong in the period from 1986 to 1988. He has also been recognized and awarded corresponding certificate by the State Council of China for his outstanding contributions in higher education and science since Oct 1, 1992. He had received three main Science and Technology Awards in software engineering and knowledge engineering from the Chinese Ministry of Education and the Guangdong Province of China.
His research interests are in software engineering and knowledge engineering, including formal methods, object-oriented methodology, software testing, logic programming, expert systems, Petri Net modeling and analysis of operating system, and discrete mathematics.
Huo Yan Chen had developed mathematical model, algorithm design, programming, and logic design of hardware for 2 shipping navigation mini-computer systems (one for Short range, the other for Ultra long range), prototypes for three expert systems for medicine, one aided tool for software design, and four testing tools for software.
His development practices include creating mathematical model for special application, system analysis, algorithm design, software design, programming, logic design for hardware, and hosting project in different periods for different projects.
Huo Yan Chen had published 86 research papers totally in academic journals and academic conferences (43 papers in Chinese and 43 papers in English). His first and recent papers are as follows:
[1]. 陈火炎, 共焦双曲数量场梯度公式的论证及在导航中的应用,舰船电子设计,21期,pp.6-9, 1978.10.
[86]. HuoYan CHEN (陈火炎) and T.H. Tse, Equality to Equals and Unequals: A Revisit of the Equivalence and Nonequivalence Criteria in Class-Level Testing of Object-Oriented Software, IEEE Transactions On Software Engineering, VOL. 39, NO. 11, pp.1549-1563, November 2013.
His representative research papers are:
1) “In Black and White: An Integrated Approach to Class Level Testing of Object-Oriented Programs” (46 pages), published in ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (ACM TOSEM), Vol. 7 No. 3, pp.250-295, July 1998, and authored by HUO YAN CHEN, T.H. TSE, F.T. CHAN, and T.Y. CHEN. “
2) “TACCLE: A Methodology for Object-Oriented Software Testing At the Class and Cluster Levels” (54 pages), published in ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, Vol. 10 No. 1, pp.56-109, Jan. 2001, and authored by HuoYan Chen, T.H. Tse, and T.Y. Chen. The abstract of the paper can be found in the following ACM website: http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=366378.366380
3) “Equality to Equals and Unequals: A Revisit of the Equivalence and Nonequivalence Criteria in Class-Level Testing of Object-Oriented Software” (15 pages), published in IEEE Transactions On Software Engineering, Vol. 39, No. 11, pp. 1549-1563, November 2013, and authored by HuoYan Chen, T.H. Tse; “IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering” is also recognized at the top level of international journals in the area of Software Engineering. Refer to: http://www.computer.org/csdl/trans/ts/2013/11/tts2013111549-abs.html,
The citation and impact of the above representative research papers are as follows.
“ACM Computing Reviews” Vol. 40 No. 7(1999)和Vol. 42 No. 9(2001)分别为上述论文1) 2) 发表专门的评论员推介性文章。据T.H. Tse教授的不完全统计,2006年2月查得这两篇大型论文已被国外刊物和国外博士论文正面引用128次,而2007年12月查得这两篇大型论文被他人正面引用214次(大部分是国外引用)。国际软件测试著名专家、Domain Testing 创始人之一、STVR期刊主编Lee J. White教授引用了论文1)。国际软件测试著名专家、等价对测试创始人之一、ACM TOSEM 编委P.G. Frankl教授和美国工程院院士E.J. Weyuker的合作论文也引用了论文1)。美国软件产业界著名专家R.V. Binder的软件测试专著也引用了上述论文1) 2)。美国马里兰大学、瑞典Uppsala大学等美欧大学有的同行教授曾把上述论文1) 与/或 2) 列入本方向硕/博士生阅读文献表,有的还曾指定学生宣讲、讨论,并曾把宣讲的Power Point放在网上。英国学者Hong Zhu 教授在IEEE QSIC 2003 (USA) 上对这两篇论文所表述的成果的理论价值有很高的评价,他认为这两篇论文提出的“项等价性”和“对象等价性”分级的新思想、新准则及其成果“使代数规格说明理论发生了从经典初始语义学到行为语义学的实质性变化”。顾庆博士、孙钟秀院士等人在“计算机应用与软件”19卷3期9页指出论文2) 提出的“基于数据间依赖(谓词依赖和方法/函数依赖)的对象表示模型,代表了一个新的方向”。ACM Computing Surveys (计算机学科综述评论型最高层期刊之一)Volume 41, Number 2, February 2009上,RobertM. Hierons 等15位学者联合发表的大型论文“Using formal specifications to support testing” (78页长) 对上述论文1) 2) 也有多处正面引用。本成果在国家自然科学基金委学科部结题评审会上被评为"特优"(全国76项评出7项,见"软件学报"2003年第一期p158)。
2014-12-22查得上述代表作1) 在ACM网上被 Downloads 13 次(in recent 6 Weeks)、65次(in recent 12 Months) 、2,473次(cumulative); 代表作2) 在ACM网上被 Downloads 17 次(in recent 6 Weeks)、58次(in recent 12 Months) 、2,677次(cumulative).
The partial citations to the above representative papers 1) and/or 2) in recent years:
a) Francisco Rebellode Andrade, João Pascoal Faria, Ana C. R. Paiva cited 1) 2) in paper “Test Generation from Bounded Algebraic Specifications Using Alloy”, ICSOFT-2011.
b) Francisco Rebellode Andrade etc. cited 2) in paper “Specification-Driven Unit Test Generation for Java Generic Classes”, LNCS No. 7321, 2012.
c) Dongmei Liu, Hong Zhu and Ian Bayley cited 1) 2) in paper “From Algebraic Specification to Ontological Description of Service Semantics”, IEEE ICWS-2013.
d) Mark Harman, Phil McMinn, Muzammil Shahbaz and Shin Yoo cited 1) 2) in paper “A Comprehensive Survey of Trends in Oracles for Software Testing”, TR-KCL 2013.
e) C. Aruna, R.S.R. Prasad cited 1) 2) in paper “Testing Approach for Dynamic Web Applications Based on Automated Test Strategies”, AISC Vol. 249, 2014.
f) Dongmei Liu, Hong Zhu and Ian Bayley cited 1) 2) in paper “Transformation of Algebraic Specifications into Ontological Semantic Descriptions of Web Services”, IJSC,Vol.2 No.1, 2014.
2019-5-15查得上述代表作[40] 在ACM网上被 Downloads 5次(in recent 6 Weeks)、27次(in recent 12 Months) 、2,593次(cumulative); 代表作[42] 在 ACM网上被 Downloads 2 次(in recent 6 Weeks)、26次(in recent 12 Months) 、2,807次(cumulative).
HuoYan Chen had taught and/or directed many students at different levels, including college diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate students. He had taught the courses of Discrete Mathematics, BASIC Programming, Programming Methodology, Management Information System, Software Engineering, Software Testing, Advanced Software Engineering, Logic Programming and Knowledge Processing System for different level students in different periods.