张浩澜,男,博士,副教授,博士生导师。墨尔本大学(澳)荣誉访问学者,香港浸会大学访问研究员,皇家墨尔本理工大学(澳)研究员。浙江省新世纪151人才、江苏省宿迁市百名创业创新领军人才。 截止2016 年12 月已发表高质量期刊及学术会议及技术报告65 多篇,其中SCI/EI 检索期刊53篇。在《IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing》、《Fundamenta Informaticae》、《Journal of Computer and System Sciences》、《AJIS》、IJCNN、WISE、IEEE/ACM WI等主要学术期刊及会议上发表论文65篇(其中SCI/EI检索53篇),撰写专著、编著3本。 近5年,主持和主参国家自然科学基金项目、国家人社部择优项目、浙江省自然科学基金、江苏省重大科技转换项目、澳大利亚ARC面上项目、宁波市国际合作项目等共15项,获2016江苏省宿迁市科学技术二等奖1项,国际健康信息大会2014最佳论文奖1项、国家留学基金奖1项,澳大利亚HECS奖1项。担任多个SCI、EI 期刊主编及客座主编,并担任期刊评审包括:《The Computer Journal》、《IEEE Trans on SMC》、《Information Sciences》、《AAMAS》等。IEEE 会员、IACSIT 高级会员。
2004.03-2008.10,Ph.D in Computer Science 2000.07-2003.11,Mater of Business Administration 2000.07-2002.08,Master of Information Systems
2011.01-now, Associate Professor and Deputy Director of IS Discipline, NIT, Zhejiang University China 2008.03-2010.12, Research Fellow/Sessional Staff, RMIT University, Australia 2004.04-2007.12, Research Assistant/Tutor, Victoria University, Australia
Agent based systems , Knowledge based system , Health Informatics , Database
Hao Lan Zhang is currently an Associate Professor at NIT, Zhejiang University in China and the 151 Talented Scholar of Zhejiang Province (浙江省151人才). He is an honorary scholar of The University of Melbourne, a visiting fellow of Hong Kong Baptist University, and an adjunct Professor at Hebei Academy of Science, China. Prior to that, he was a Research Fellow at RMIT University, Australia. Dr. Zhang received the Ph.D. in Computer Science from Victoria University, Australia. He has published over 60 papers in high quality journals and conferences including IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, Fundamenta Informaticae, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, AJIS, IJCNN, WISE, etc. His research interests include Intelligent Information Systems, Multiagent Systems, Health Informatics, Knowledge-based Systems, Data Mining, etc.
Dr. Zhang serves as the editorial board member and reviewer of several journals including: Fundamenta Informaticae, Information Sciences, IEEE Transaction on SCM, WWW Journal,Journal of AAMAS. He serves as publicity chair and program committee member of several conferences such as WISE 2013, KSS 2013, MIC 2013, WI-IAT 2012, APWeb 2012, Australian AI Conference 2010/2009, etc.
Dr. Zhang received a number of research awards and grants including: National Nature Science Fund (second CI), National Overseas Scholars’ Fund (Chinese Ministry of HR, First CI), Provincial Natural and Social Science Fund (First CI), Ningbo Nature Science Fund (First CI), etc. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Advances in Information Sciences, Guest editor of Web Intelligence and Agent Systems, Journal of Internet Technology, Journal of Software, etc.