I received the Ph.D. degree from Fudan University in 2010. From Feb. 2014 to Jan. 2015, I was an academic visitor at the University of Oxford. From Jan. 2016 to Mar. 2016 I was an academic scholar at ISSAC Newton Mathematics Institute, University of Cambridge. At present, I am a full Professor at school of mathematics, China University of Mining and Technology. Currently (from January 2017), I am serving as the vice dean of School of Mathematics, and the vice director of the Applied Mathematics Center of Jiangsu Province. My research interests focus on the mathematical modeling of complex systems. In general, I have a deep interest in Complex Networks, Collective Animal Motion, Stochastic Dynamics, and Chaos. The aim is to reveal the fundamental mechanism of noise in poorly understood complex systems. Some results have been published in several high-impact journals in physics, mathematics, and nonlinear science such as Physical Review Letters, Physical Review Research,Physical Review E, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, Chaos, IEEE TAC, IEEE TSMC, IEEE TNSE.
[33]Yongzheng Sun, Siyang Lei,Yingcheng Lai,Celso Grebogi,Wei Lin.Closed-loop control of complex networks: A trade-off between time and energy, Physical Review Letters, 2017,119, 198301.[Downloard]
[32] L. Zhao, H. Dai, C. Yang, J. Lu, Yongzheng Sun*. Tradeoff between time and energy costs for controlling stochastic coupled neural networks. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2023. DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2023.3281471
[31]R. Xiao R, W. Li, D. Zhao, Yongzheng Sun*. Directional switches in network-organized swarming systems with delay. Chaos, 2023, 33:043143.
[30]Yongzheng Sun, W. Li, L. Li, G. Wen,S. Azaele, W.Lin. Delay-induced directional switches and mean switching time in swarming systems. Physical Review Research, 2022, 4(3): 033054.
[29]N.Liang, M. Liu, Yongzheng Sun*, R.Xiao, L.Zhao. Time and Energy Costs for Synchronization of Kuramoto-Oscillator Networks With or Without Noise Perturbation. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 2022, 82(4): 1336-1355.
[28]J.Chang, H.Shi, S. Zhu, D.Zhao, Yongzheng Sun*. Time Cost for Consensus of Stochastic Multiagent Systems With Pinning Control. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2022, 53(1): 94-104.
[27]Dai H, Li W, Yang C, Yongzheng Sun*. Time and energy costs for consensus of multi-agent networks with undirected and directed topologies. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2021. 8 (4), 3380-3391
[26] D.Chen, Yongzheng Sun#, G.Shao, W. Yu,H. Zhang, W. Lin. Coordinating directional switches in pigeon flocks: the role of nonlinear interactions. Royal Society Open Science, 2021, 8(9): 210649.
[25] D.Chen, Y.Wang, G.Wu, Yongzheng Sun*, W. Yu, Inferring causal relationship in coordinated flight of pigeon flocks. Chaos, 2019, 29(11): 113118.
[24]D.Chen, W.Li, X. Liu, W. Yu, Yongzheng Sun*. Effects of measurement noise on flocking dynamics of Cucker-Smale sytems. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2019,67(10):2064-2068
[23]Yongzheng Sun*, Wang Li, Hongjun Shi, Donghua Zhao, Sandro Azaele, Finite-time and fixed-time consensus of multiagent networks with pinning control and noise perturbation, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics.2019, 79(1), 111–130.
[22]H. Dai, Yongzheng Sun*, W. Li, D. Zhao, Multiplicative measurement noise can facilitate consensus of multiagent networks, Physical Review E,2019 100, 022319.
[21]Yongzheng Sun, W. Li, D. Zhao, Realization of consensus of multi-agent systems with stochastically mixed interactions,Chaos ,2016,26, 073112 .
[20] RadekErban,Jan Haskovec,Yongzheng Sun.A Cucker-Smale model with noise and delay.SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics. 2016,76, 4, 1535–1557. [Downloard]
[19]Yongzheng Sun, Wang Li, Donghua Zhao,Realization of consensus of multi-agent systems with stochastically mixed interactions,Chaos ,2016,26, 073112.[Downloard]
[18]Yongzheng Sun,Zhicai MaFengLiuand JieWu,Theoretical analysis of synchronization in delayed complex dynamical networks with discontinuous coupling. Nonlinear Dynamics, Springer, 2016: 1--11. [Downloard]
[17] Yongzheng Sun, Wei Lin, A positive role of multiplicative noise on the emergence of flocking in a stochastic Cucker-Smale system, Chaos, 2015, 25,083118[Downloard]
[16]Yongzheng Sun, Yanjun Wang, Donghua Zhao, Flocking of multi-agent systems with multiplicative and independent measurement noises, Physica A, 2015, 440 , 81–89[Downloard]
[15]Yongzheng Sun, Wei Lin and Radek Erban, Time delay can facilitate coherence in self-driven interacting particle systems, Physical Review E,2014 90, 062708[Downloard]
[14]Yongzheng Sun, Hongjun Shi, E.A .Bakare, Qingxin Meng, Noise-induced outer synchronization between two different complex dynamical networks, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2014,76 (1), 519-528[Downloard]
[13]Yongzheng Sun,Wang Li, Jiong Ruan, Generalized outer synchronization between complex dynamical networks with time delay and noise perturbation. Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 2013, 18, 989–998[Downloard]
[12] Yongzheng Sun, Wang Li, Jiong Ruan,Average consensus problems of multi-agent systems with communication time delays and noisy links. Chinese Phys. B,2013,22: 030510
[11]Yongzheng Sun, Wang Li, Donghua Zhao, Outer synchronization between two complex dynamical networks with discontinuous coupling. Chaos, 2012, 22, 043125
[10]Yongzheng Sun, Wang Li, Donghua Zhao, Convergence time and speed of multi-agent systems in noisy environments. Chaos, 2012, 22, 043126
[9]Yongzheng Sun, Donghua Zhao, Effects of noise on the outer synchronization of two unidirectionally coupled complex dynamical networks. Chaos, 2012, 22, 023131
[8]Yongzheng Sun, Wang Li, Donghua Zhao,Finite-time stochastic outer synchronization between two complex dynamical networks with different topologies. Chaos, 2012, 22, 023152
[7]Yongzheng Sun, Wang Li, Jiong Ruan, Finite-time generalized outer synchronization between two different complex networks. Commun. Theor. Phys. 2012, 58 , 697–703
[6] Yongzheng Sun, Donghua Zhao, Jiong Ruan, Consensus in noisy environments with switching topology and time-varying delay.Physica A, 2010, 389 , 4149-4161
[5]Yongzheng Sun,Jiong Ruan, Synchronization between two different chaotic systems with noise perturbation. Chinese Physics B, 2010, 19, 070513
[4] Yongzheng Sun, Jiong Ruan, Synchronization in coupled time-delayed systems with parameter mismatch and noise perturbation, Chaos, 2009, 19 , 043113
[3]Yongzheng Sun, Jiong Ruan, Leader-follower consensus problems of multi-agent systems with noise perturbation and time delays.Chinese Physics Letters, 2008, 25 , 3493 -3495
[2]Yongzheng Sun, Jiong Ruan, Consensus problems of multi-agent systems with noise perturbation, Chinese Physics B, 2008, 17: 4137-4141.
[1] Yongzheng Sun, Jiong Ruan, Wang Li, Hand clapping with leaders, Acta Physics, 2008, 57: 7547- 7554.
*If you want to know more about my papers, you can have a look at this link.@Google Scholar:
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Graduate courses:Matrix Analysis ,Stochastic differential equations
Undergraduate courses:Optimal control, Engineering Mathematics,Linear Algebra,Probability theory and mathematical statistics
[15] The 6th International Conference on Complex Networks & their Applications,29 Nov-1 Dec 2017, University of Lyon, France.
[14]The 13th Chinese Conference on Complex Networks(CCCN), 25-26 Nov. 2017, Shenzhen, China
[13]Stochastic Dynamical Systems in Biology: Numerical Methods and Applications, 15 Jan-15-March 2016,Issac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, University ofCambridge, United Kingdom*
[12]Workshop on Multi-scale methods for stochastic dynamical system in biology, 29 February - 4 March, 2016 , University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
[11]100th European Study Group with Industry, 30June-04 July 2014 ,University of Oxford, United Kingdom
[10] 102nd European Study Group with Industry, 26-29July, 2014, University College Dublin, Ireland
[9]Workshop on Mathematical Models of Climate Variability, Environmental Change, andInfectious Diseases,29 April - 10 May 2013 ,ICTP,Trieste, Italy
[8]Spring School on Modelling Tools and Capacity Building in Climate and Public Health, 15 April – 26 April 2013 , ICTP, Trieste, Italy
[7]The 34th China Control Conference, Jul. 28-31, 2015, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
[6]The 8th Chinese Conference on Complex Networks(CCCN), 11-14 Oct. 2012, Nanjing, China
[5]The 31st China Control Conference,Jun. 22-26, 2011 ,China University of Science and Technology,Heifei, China
[4]The 30th China Control Conference, Shandong University ,Jun. 29-Jul.4, 2010
[3]The 4th Shanghai International Symposium On Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, Fudan University and Xuzhou Normal University , 2010
[2]The 3rd Chinese Conference on Complex Networks(CCCN), Shanghai, China
[1]The 2nd Chinese Conference on Complex Networks(CCCN), Shanghai, China
*Talk at Issac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences:
School of Mathematics, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, Jiangsu, 221116, PRC
Tel: 0086-0516-83591519(office)
Email: yzsun@cumt.edu.cn
QQ: 496359089
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ResearcherID@Web of Science: I-1502-2017