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Zhihui Lai(赖志辉) jointed the College of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Shenzhen University as Associate Professor, and now he is full professor and PH.D. supervisor. I will recruit PH.D. students, including foreign PH.D. students (the requirements can be found in the bottom of this page), from 2019. (从现在开始招收博士生,欢迎提前一年联系报考,我将与你同行,共同成长!)
深圳大学 (Shenzhen University),计算机与软件学院 (the College of Computer Science and Software Engineering)

图像处理 , 模式识别与智能系统 (Image Processing, Pattern Recognition and Intelligent System), 大数据分析,深度学习,哈希学习

Zhihui Lai received the B.S degree inmathematics from South China NormalUniversity, M.S degree from Jinan University,and the PhD degree in pattern recognition and intelligence system from Nanjing Universityof Science and Technology (NUST), China, in 2002, 2007 and 2011,respectively. He was a postdoctoral fellow at Bio-Computing ResearchCenter, Shenzhen Graduate School, Harbin Institute of Technology, China. He has also been a research associate, postdoctoral fellow and research fellow since 2010 at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He has published 100+ academic papers, including 30+ papers published on IEEE Transactions.His research interests include face recognition, image processing and content-basedimage retrieval, pattern recognition, compressive sense, big data analysis and hash learning, deep learning, human visionmodelization and applications in the fields of intelligent robot research.
09/2007-07/2011: Ph.D. in Pattern Recognition and Intelligent System
(Image Processing and Pattern Recognition )
School of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Science and Technology (NUST), Nanjing, China
09/2005-06/ 2007 : M.S. in Mathematics
Department of Mathematics, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China
09/1998-07/2002: B.S. in Mathematics
Department of Mathematics, South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China
Work Experience
Research Rssistant/ Postdoctoral Fellow/Research Fellow at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
08/2018: The Second prize of Jianxi Province Natural Science Award
07/2018: The best student paper of AIFT 2018
10/2016: The best poster paper of CCBR 2016
09/2014: The Overseas High-Caliber Personneal
04/2012: The excellent doctoral thesis at NUST
11/2010: The excellent student award at NUST
10/2008: The best paper award in Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition in 2008.
05/2007: The excellent postgraduate student award at JNU
Academic Activities
I serve as an Associate Editor of International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics (SCI index, the 2018 Impact Factor for JMLC is 3.273, a journal on Springer). And I also serve as a reviewer for the following well-known journals and some top tier international conferences:
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology
Pattern Recognition
Neural Computing and Applications
Information Sciences
Machine Vision and Applications
Applied Mathematics and Computation
Neural Processing Letters
Courses: Digital image processing,Fundamentals of computers, Multimedia, Patten Recognition, Artificial Intelligence
About recruiting postgraduate/PH.D students:
I will recruit postgraduate students in each year. Desirable applicants should have degrees in Mathematics, Computer Science or other related fields, and strong motivation toward high quality research in machine learning, data mining, computer vision, biometrics and informatics. Previous research experiences in related fields and scientific publications in journals/conferences are not required (but preferred). But he/she must be the most hard-working person on his/her study and research. And please read the file on "His Academic--->Others" iterm of this website (or email me for the document about my requirements) to know me at first. Usually, the candidates should begin his postgraduate study from May (or evern earlier) just after the admission interviews.(保送生在拿到保研资格开始即每年10月1日前就开始研究生的基础内容学习,考研的在复试成绩公布时就应当开始究生的基础内容学习,我们要笨鸟先飞。重要提示:我的毕业要求“你懂的”,想混的千万不要来我这里!)
I will recruit PH.D. students from 2019, if you are interesting in it, please contact me earlier than one year since the quota is very limit.
I also recruit foreign PH.D. students from other counties. I prefer the PH.D. student candidates in image processing, pattern recognition, computer vision, medical image analysis who have some published or submitted or about to finished papers. The candidates without any paper cann't be accepted except that his/her GPA is ranked the first or the second in the class and with good optimization ability in math. If you are the one, please contact me via my email: lai_zhi_hui@163.com.
News: We are currently recruiting an associate researcher and a postdoctoral fellow (2023.5.25)
Requirements: Doctoral degree with at least 1 SCI paper or 1 Chinese core journal on machine learning, AI, and its applications on medical image analysis.